News & Updates

March 15, 2016
St. Patrick's Day 2016: The city is looking a bit greener these days, and we also have some new limited edition holiday items available! Get the details on how to get your hands on them before they are gone for good after March 19 @ 11:59 PM by clicking on the clover icon at the top of the game screen. (UPDATE: We've resized the limited edition items from 3x3 to 2x2)

Show a notice when an update has been released since you last visited the game.
Automatically add favorite when buying a casino from the market.
Fixed another issue that was causing some battle challenges to get stuck.
Quickly panning the full-screen mini-map no longer causes visual glitches.
Fixed a bug caused by daylight savings time change that reset some players' consecutive days counters.
March 11, 2016
The way that the mini-map is rendered has been re-written to be dramatically more efficient. This should be especially noticeable when panning around the full-screen map. This also significantly reduces the bandwidth and memory usage.
We have switched the "Earn Gold" offer wall from Fyber to due to an increasing number of failed offers lately. They should also be able to offer a wider range of offers, surveys and videos.
Poker tournaments (especially larger ones) should start much faster (all players will be placed simultaneously instead of one at a time).
Info displays (such as on casino games, map favorites, etc) now have a slightly darker background so they are easier to read.
Moved to a new e-mail provider to increase speed and reliability (for things like password reset, battle/war notice, etc).
Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause team challenges in battles/wars to get stuck.
Fixed a few different bugs that could cause players to be removed from a poker tournament.
Buildings should now always render correctly on the mini-map when walking long distances.
The full-screen mini-map will no longer cover the online raffle display.
Updated audio engine to fix various browser issues.
Various other bugs and errors fixed.
February 23, 2016
The mini-map has been completely overhauled with lots of new features, tweaks and fixes:

  • Expanding the mini-map now takes it full-screen and the scale adjusts based on your screen size.

  • Panning around the expanded mini-map is now much smoother and supports variable dragging speed.

  • Buildings rendered on the expanded mini-map are now clickable, providing details and actions.

  • Viewing casino info now lets you see what casino games are available inside.

  • Citizens can now use their driver to go directly to any building from the expanded mini-map.

  • Mission givers have a more distinct representation on the mini-map, and are color-coded by type.

  • Mission givers are also now clickable on the expanded mini-map to view extra info.

  • Lots that are for sale are now marked as red with a white border.

  • Clicking on for sale lots in the expanded view lets you go directly to the Real Estate Office.

  • Lot tiles are now rendered on all lots when panning the large map, not just around where you started.

  • Closed casinos are now dimmed on the mini-map.

  • Added 'M' shortcut key to open/close the mini-map.

  • Increased size of player marker to be more clear.

  • Optimized bandwidth usage for faster loading while panning around mini-map.

  • Improved algorithm that picks the drop-off location when getting out of taxi to be closer to the front door.
A new mini-map search feature has been added:

  • Search is now on both taxi and expanded mini-map displays.

  • Allows you to search for zone, address, building name and username.

  • If you search for a username, it'll move your position to the closest casino owned by that user and highlight all of theirs.
As part of the mini-map update, favorites have also received some updates:

  • New, full-screen favorites display allowing you to see more at once.

  • Favorites can now be manually re-ordered.

  • Add any building to your favorites by simply clicking on it on the expanded map, and it'll auto-load the name.
In addition to favorites, you can now add temporary waypoints to your mini-map by clicking the button to the left of the favorites "heart" button. This will mark the position on the mini-map until you reach it, and it will also show a visual path in the game-world to where you are headed. Some missions (especially for new players) will auto-generate a waypoint path when sending you back to the mission giver.
Buildings now become transparent when walking behind them.
The name card shown when you walk up to a building now shows which casino games are inside.
52 new items have been added to your casinos, including 5 new Lottery Machines and many high-end decorations.
Fixed an issue in scratchers that would sometimes make it look like you were scratching multiple cards at once.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
February 8, 2016
This is an update that if all goes well you'll never know exists. We've had some downtime in the past caused by physical servers dying, so we've finally finished making 100% of our back-end redundant and auto-healing so that even if a an entire server goes down, the game will keep running without missing a step. If you are interested in the code side of things, we open-sourced part of the implementation here.
Moved all game assets to a new content delivery network to (in some cases dramatically) improve download speeds when loading into the game.
The total number scratched out of your level's limit is now displayed on each scratcher ticket.
There is now a confirmation window when ending a solitaire game that still has cards to turn over.
Clicking on the jackpot display on each scratcher ticket will now open the list of recent jackpot winners.
As part of the recent poker update, we re-wrote the poker hand solving algorithm to enable some new features. We've now open-sourced that code for anyone to see and contribute to.
Clicking the avatar in the far-left seat on Roulette now shows the options like all other seats.
Fixed a rare bug that caused a few lots to go to foreclosure auctions that shouldn't have.
Fixed a rare bug that could sometimes show the wrong value on item repairs.
Fixed a bug with cost checks on high volume discounted buildings.
Fixed another issue that could cause poker table cards to not show correctly after changing browser tabs.
Fixed various other client/server errors.
January 25, 2016
New lottery game -- Scratchers! These are accessible from any lottery machine (where you go for Pick 5 and 50/50). There are currently 9 different scratcher tickets available, with more (and different types) on the way in future updates. Every ticket has its own progressive jackpot!
There is now an "emote" button when clicking on your avatar at table games. This opens the same emote modal available outside of games for use on tables.
Daily limits on Pick 5 are now reset immediately after a jackpot has been won.
Cleaned out a lot of bloat from our custom game engine, which resulted in around 15% lower memory usage.
Identified and fixed several dozen memory leaks, which should lead to less crashes and better performance over longer player sessions.
Added a higher blind level option in poker and allow for higher buy-ins on SnG's.
Updated the back-end database for improved speed and reliability.
A few more tweaks to the chip and casino point fees on buying lots to better smooth it out on the higher end.
Just like with repairs, as you build more casinos, you and your employees have the collective knowledge and resources to do things more efficiently. So, as you build 15+ casinos, the building costs of new casinos, floors and star ratings now gets cheaper.
Made some tweaks to the battle matching algorithm to better pair up similar-sized crews when possible.
Sometimes exiting the lot editor would cause some items to be invisible until the game was reloaded.
Cleared out several bugs with the previous poker updates.
Fixed a few bugs that in rare cases could cause players to be randomly removed from poker tables.
Changing browser tabs could sometimes cause poker table cards to not show up correctly, which should now be fixed.
Don't auto-call when you've checked to call a certain amount and the seat before you raises.
Rapidly switching between poker tables could cause the client to get out of sync and visually "merge" the two tables.
Fixed a few rare miscalculations on multiple poker side pots.
Correctly position new poker missions under the muck checkbox.
There are a few zones that have dead-end streets due to a glitch in how they are generated. Those zones will remain unchanged, but the issue shouldn't happen again in the future.
Fixed an issue in roulette that would sometimes cause "rebet" to not always place the correct amounts.
More updates to our audio system to fix potential cross-browser issues.
Display of days left on crew upgrades now shows correctly on >25 days.
You no longer get stuck on an empty map after winning the online raffle while editing your lot.
Fixed a few visual bugs with buying a new elevator.
Fixed a few more bugs relating to lot/casino items overlapping.
In rare cases a specific lot configuration would prevent re-entry of a building after entering then leaving.
Fixed several other bugs on both the client and server.
January 12, 2016
We've gone back to the drawing board with the poker lobby and created something completely new:
  • Completely revamped, full-screen display.

  • New Quick Play feature that makes it easy to jump into a table without browsing.

  • Always-on tournament view with visual banners.

  • Streamlined creation of new tables.

  • Filtering options for browsing open tables.

  • Improved live updating of display.

  • Improved support for a wide range of screen resolutions.
Fixed Limit poker has been added as an option alongside No Limit.
In addition to a new poker lobby, we've made quite a few improvements to the poker game as well:
  • Full-screen tournament info display that shows all players (in and out), open tables and payout structure.

  • Full-screen join table display with chip slider.

  • Full-screen rebuy display with chip slider.

  • Full-screen table info displays (all casino games, not just poker).

  • Re-wrote sidepot calculation algorithm to fix a few rare bugs such as negative side pots.

  • Re-wrote the hand solver algorithm to make it faster and add the ability to highlight winning cards at the end of the hand.

  • The felt on the poker table now matches that of the table you entered through.

  • The floor underneath tables has received a refresher.

  • There is now a table gift icon on each player's avatar to easily use.

  • The window with player options has been replaced by a drop-down list when clicking their avatar.

  • Improved table card animations from dealer.

  • Sped up dealing animation of player cards.

  • Improved animations of bets and pot.

  • Away button is now "Sit In/Sit Out" to make it clear of the action.

  • Cards in hand now stay visible after fold, just faded out.

  • New animation/highlight on the winning player.

  • New animation flair on the start of a new turn.

  • Bet/raise button is now "all in" if that is your only option.

  • Chat and settings buttons are now in the top left.

  • Post Big Blinds is now checked by default.

  • Up to 9 players now allowed in poker sprints.

  • Various other bugs, tweaks and improvements.
Two new scheduled tournaments have been added to the slate: Millionaire Maker and Saturday Showdown (these will start to get scheduled over the next few days).
The "Bi-Daily 25 CP Turbo" tournaments now pay out CP instead of chips.
We've switched our card shuffling algorithm to use the xorshift128+ random number generation algorithm. This results in even more realistic shuffling of cards. This affects things like poker, blackjack, solitaire and more.
Player visits to casinos now count again after midnight rather than only after 24 hours.
Tweaked several of the war and battle challenges.
Slightly increased the size of local/table chat bubbles.
Converted game-wide audio from OGG to WebM for better audio performance and faster loading.
Those of you having issues with some invisible items should now have them all taken care of.
December 21, 2015
Happy Holidays 2015: The city is fully decorated for the season! In addition, we have 5 new limited edition holiday items available. Get all of the details on how you can get your hands on these before they are gone for good after January 4 by clicking on the snowflake icon at the top of the game screen.

There are 16 new indoor/outdoor lantern items available.
Team leaders for wars are now selected based on the two overall highest scoring teams from the previous war (if they aren't eligible for war, then it'll go down the highest scoring list until 2 are selected).
Several tweaks have been made to the difficulty of team challenges in wars/battles.
Fixed several issues and made several improvements to our cross-browser audio support.
Made some updates to the chat/game rules to be more clear and made it more obvious that the button to view the rules from the chat window is actually a button.
Players that are less than 60 days old now must wait 15 days to re-list a casino instead of being able to sell instantly.
Bombs now correctly restart on a server restart, so they won't be lost if there is a disconnect.
Fixed a few issues that would sometimes prevent the raffle screen from showing.
Fixed a few issues with the WildTangent login/signup page.
Foreclosure e-mails are now sent correctly.
Made some tweaks with how our servers connect to the database that in rare cases would cause server disconnects.
The correct font is now used inside of all text inputs.
Fixed an issue that in rare circumstances would show items as being upgraded that hadn't actually saved to the database.
Updated the spin button on Daily Slots so the price per spin is more clear.
Moving an item next to a building would sometimes give an invalid error about overlapping when it wasn't.
November 30, 2015
New Team Member: Most of you are probably already aware, but if you aren't, here's the announcement of our new team member.

6 new wall items have been added for lots.
When bidding a large amount over the minimum bid on auctions, a second confirmation popup will display to help avoid accidental bids.
Make it clear that the number next to auction names is the item level and not the quantity.
New login/signup page for Chrome App users.
Updated the GoldFire Network to the same programming language version that CasinoRPG got in the last update for improved performance and stability.
Crew founders can no longer remove permissions from themselves.
Increase number of items available for storage at each vault level.
False notices are no longer sent after withdrawing from a crew battle.
The quote button on the forums is working again.
Fixed a few issues on the simulation server that would sometimes cause it to stop updating randomly.
Fixed a bug with the condo door not working correctly sometimes during the new player tutorial.
Fixed an issue with Blackjack sprints sometimes not starting correctly.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause casino/lot items to overlap.
Various other bug fixes on client and server.
November 10, 2015
There is a new raffle called "Online Raffle" that is awarded every 20 minutes just for being online. To be eligible, you must be actively playing since the last drawing and you can't win two times in a row. There's also a new medal for winning this raffle.
Both item and foreclosure auctions will now extend by 60 seconds whenever there is a bid placed in the last 60 seconds.
Updated server code's language version for improved speed and stability.
The Windows App startup screen has been streamlined to make signing up easier for new players.
Re-wrote the back-end system that handled items to fix various bugs and issues.
Prevent auction timers from getting out of sync.
War team challenges now display correctly for each team.
Prevent janitor job shifts from going to closed or VIP floors.
When walking past a lot that is being edited, the items will now move into the correct locations.
Fixed issue with poker tournaments that prevented them from scaling payouts correctly for 7+ table tournaments.
Hitting bonus spins on the last spin of a battle/war challenge now displays correctly.
Fixed various bugs with the new foreclosure auctions.
Corrected formatting of timers at 1-minute and 1-hour.
October 26, 2015
Trick-or-Treat 2015: The city is fully decorated for this spooky time of year! In addition, we have 5 new limited edition holiday items available. Get all of the details on how you can get your hands on these items before they are no longer available after November 6 by clicking on the pumpkin icon at the top of the game screen.

Foreclosure Auctions - previously, inactive casinos would slowly decay and would eventually be destroyed and released back to the market. This new system will now put these casinos up for auction after the owner has been inactive for 120+ days (though to prevent the market from being flooded, it is currently set at a higher threshold and will be lowered down to 120 over the coming weeks). They are given a 7-day window to login and prevent foreclosure, after which the 7-day auction will begin. The auctions can be accessed from a new "auctions" tab on the Real Estate Market (table map in Real Estate buildings).
Added 294 new clothing/accessories to customize your characters with, including several outfits just in time for Halloween!
The elevator display has received a total overhaul. The new menu is a first-person view from inside an elevator that is more clear and easier to use.
A new option for floors is being introduced - VIP Floors! For a one-time fee, you can get the option to make a floor private. You can then select which players are on the "VIP List," and only those players can then enter the floor.
When completing a battle/war challenge, a popup will now appear asking if you'd like to replay the challenge.
Move "Muck Cards" option in poker to right of screen so it doesn't get covered by flag icons.
A casino can now be closed within 2 weeks of purchase from the market instead of 2 weeks from when it was originally built.
Updated several server systems to improve performance.
When a crew gets deleted, their crew building is now destroyed and the lot is returned to the Real Estate Office.
Fixed bug that was blocking a lot of battle challenges incorrectly.
The bonus label display now shows the correct count in battle/war.
Fixed a bug in Roulette where fast betting could cause re-bets to get out of sync.
Fixed some timezone issues with the Double-XP Day.
Prevent building upgrade from accidentally moving building to wrong lot in rare instances.
Fixed various audio bugs in different browsers.