News & Updates
November 10, 2015
There is a new raffle called "Online Raffle" that is awarded every 20 minutes just for being online. To be eligible, you must be actively playing since the last drawing and you can't win two times in a row. There's also a new medal for winning this raffle.
Both item and foreclosure auctions will now extend by 60 seconds whenever there is a bid placed in the last 60 seconds.
Updated server code's language version for improved speed and stability.
The Windows App startup screen has been streamlined to make signing up easier for new players.
Re-wrote the back-end system that handled items to fix various bugs and issues.
Prevent auction timers from getting out of sync.
War team challenges now display correctly for each team.
Prevent janitor job shifts from going to closed or VIP floors.
When walking past a lot that is being edited, the items will now move into the correct locations.
Fixed issue with poker tournaments that prevented them from scaling payouts correctly for 7+ table tournaments.
Hitting bonus spins on the last spin of a battle/war challenge now displays correctly.
Fixed various bugs with the new foreclosure auctions.
Corrected formatting of timers at 1-minute and 1-hour.
October 26, 2015
Trick-or-Treat 2015: The city is fully decorated for this spooky time of year! In addition, we have 5 new limited edition holiday items available. Get all of the details on how you can get your hands on these items before they are no longer available after November 6 by clicking on the pumpkin icon at the top of the game screen.
Foreclosure Auctions - previously, inactive casinos would slowly decay and would eventually be destroyed and released back to the market. This new system will now put these casinos up for auction after the owner has been inactive for 120+ days (though to prevent the market from being flooded, it is currently set at a higher threshold and will be lowered down to 120 over the coming weeks). They are given a 7-day window to login and prevent foreclosure, after which the 7-day auction will begin. The auctions can be accessed from a new "auctions" tab on the Real Estate Market (table map in Real Estate buildings).
Added 294 new clothing/accessories to customize your characters with, including several outfits just in time for Halloween!
The elevator display has received a total overhaul. The new menu is a first-person view from inside an elevator that is more clear and easier to use.
A new option for floors is being introduced - VIP Floors! For a one-time fee, you can get the option to make a floor private. You can then select which players are on the "VIP List," and only those players can then enter the floor.
When completing a battle/war challenge, a popup will now appear asking if you'd like to replay the challenge.
Move "Muck Cards" option in poker to right of screen so it doesn't get covered by flag icons.
A casino can now be closed within 2 weeks of purchase from the market instead of 2 weeks from when it was originally built.
Updated several server systems to improve performance.
When a crew gets deleted, their crew building is now destroyed and the lot is returned to the Real Estate Office.
Fixed bug that was blocking a lot of battle challenges incorrectly.
The bonus label display now shows the correct count in battle/war.
Fixed a bug in Roulette where fast betting could cause re-bets to get out of sync.
Fixed some timezone issues with the Double-XP Day.
Prevent building upgrade from accidentally moving building to wrong lot in rare instances.
Fixed various audio bugs in different browsers.
October 2, 2015
iPad Owners: The release of iOS 9 has led to a dramatic performance increase in CasinoRPG, now making it very playable on iPads (especially the newer ones).
A new scoring element has been added to crew battles and wars: team challenges! Each battle and each day of war gets 5 random team challenges (there are currently 10 possible and each team has the same challenges in the same order). Each completed challenge gives a +5% bonus to the team's score when completed, and your team can't work towards the next challenge until the previous is completed. The team challenge information and live scoring will be displayed on the scorecard.
Starting new battles has been tweaked to make it easier to get one started. Now, instead of cancelling immediately after getting the required votes when no crews are available, the challenge will go into a pending state until the full 24 hours has expired. If another crew becomes available to battle during that time, the battle will then get setup.
The exponential increase of lot fees is vital to the structure of the game's economy, but it became clear that after a certain point the fees were rising far too rapidly. We've created a new formula that fixes this for both chips and casino points and is applied to both the Real Estate Office and Market.
In order to compensate for the decreased lot fees, there is now a time-limit on lot purchases (whether from Real Estate Office or Market): no limits up to 15, 1 per week up to 30, 1 every other week up to 50 and 1 per month after that. If you sell a lot, the timer is reset and you can buy a new lot immediately.
There are 20 new indoor wall items available for casinos, crews and condos.
War scoring now behaves the same as battle scoring. If one war team has more active players than the other, it will be limited to the top scores up to that number.
The voting requirements for battles now max out at 25 (so crews larger than 50 no longer need the full 50% to challenge).
Moved the main site to our new hosting provider, so pages like this one should now load more quickly.
The "close floor" button has been moved to the right of the floor name.
Fixed rare issue that could cause casinos upgrading from 2 to 3-stars to become invisible.
The medal descriptions in profiles are again visible.
The ending animation in solitaire now works after winning.
Hiding/show of quick chat while at slots now works correctly when opening/closing phone.
September 15, 2015
We've been hard at work on a brand new slot machine - Egyptian Slots! Right now it uses the standard bonus game, but a unique bonus game and other improvements are in the works as well.
To go along with the new slot game, there are now 58 amazing new Egyptian-themed items available for your casinos.
There is now an option to close casino floors after they've been opened. It works the same as opening/closing full casinos and can be accessed from the elevator display.
Added an "undo" button on Roulette that lets you undo previous bets without needing to clear all of them.
Crew battle fees have been completely re-worked. The upgrade for battles has been removed (refunds have been given for time remaining). Instead, there is now a flat fee when challenging, which gets refunded if the battle doesn't happen. In order to be eligible for battle, go into your crew's settings and check the "Battles" checkbox.
The traffic lights around the city now sync-up correctly with the other lights at the intersection - no more mayhem in the streets!
Fixed several bugs with the free daily slot spins from party bombs.
Fixed a rare bug that sometimes caused open casino counts to get off.
Fixed a rare bug that could prevent a party bomb from going off.
Fixed several small bugs with the new player tutorial.
Closed a loophole that allowed battling with less than 3 active crew members.
Fixed a few visual bugs with crew wars.
August 26, 2015
We've rewritten our database connection layer to support a newer version with better speed and the ability to support many more online players than before (it could take up to 24 hours before all servers are updated to the new database version, but that won't change functionality at all).
The floor editing tool has been vastly improved. Instead of placing one tile at a time, you can now click and drag to "paint" a rectangular area of tiles on the floor of your condo, casino, crew and lot.
When viewing the window to start a new battle, you will now be able to see how many crews are currently available at each bet level.
The pending battle screen now live updates when other crew members submit votes.
Further decreased the chance of items breaking with the more open casinos you have (shared resources and expertise with a larger operation).
Tweaked the repair costs of items to overall be lower.
Made a few small visual improvements to the phone.
Holding the shift key and pressing arrow keys now correctly highlights characters in text input boxes.
Fixed a bug that was causing some player to frequently get stuck on 83% when loading into the game.
The Windows App should no longer have issues with getting stuck on a white screen (be sure to download the update from the Windows Store).
The clock on the phone is much more accurate now and won't "drift" away from the real time.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause everyone to receive a "free spins" on-screen notice instead of just the person that picked it up.
Settings for hiding various chat messages are now working again.
Prevent mission givers from standing on top of contractors.
Chips in the billions now display correctly in player profiles.
Moved settings and chat buttons up so that they aren't covered by quick chat input in poker.
If a player joins a crew after a battle challenge has started, they no longer get counted towards the "active" count for the battle.
Fixed various other bugs and issues with the new battle system.
Fixed various bugs related to picking up free spins from party bombs.
The "visit crew" button on a pending battle screen now opens the correct crew.
Fixed invisible bartender at some espresso bars.
August 14, 2015
POKER BUG: We are aware of a rare bug in poker that miscalculates side pots when most of the table goes all in. We've been unable to reproduce the issue, so we need your help. We are logging lots of data about each hand, so if you see this bug, please submit a ticket with the hand number.
New crew battles and wars! We've been brainstorming and collecting all of your feedback for months, and now the wait is over:
- Each crew/team member now has a scorecard that gives challenges and bonus challenges. Your score is now the sum of your high scores to those challenges (you can attempt each challenge as many times as you'd like). In wars, you'll be able to earn an all-new high score each day during the 3-day contest.
- The new scorecard can be accessed quickly by clicking the green battle/war flag in the top left of the screen.
- The scorecard also displays a live battle/war score display so you can get updated with less clicks.
- Each scorecard challenge has a leaderboard to show the top 5 high scores from that battle/war.
- Scoring is no longer an average, it is simply the sum of each player's scores.
- To make viewing battle/war status even easier at all times, there is now a bar directly under the XP bar that updates in real-time with the relative scores of the battle/war.
- In order to level the playing field, if a crew has more active players than the opponent, only the scores of the top scorers up to the number of active players on the smaller crew will count towards the team score.
- Battle protection has now been done away with in favor of Battle Challenges. This means all crews by default are under protection for free (any remaining protection has been refunded to the crew banks).
- When starting a battle, you no longer select the team to battle, that gets selected automatically based on your bet size and other parameters (as well as randomness mixed in).
The battle screen inside your crews now shows a log of past battle/war results. You can click on each entry to get a detailed look at the stats.
Crew rankings have been overhauled to have a better balance between past and present results.
Bombs will now drop a new type of reward: free daily slot spins.
The Daily Slot jackpot now resets at 50,000 chips instead of 5,000.
Clicking on the Daily Slot jackpot display now opens a jackpot history like with the other games.
Slots and Solitaire jackpots will now increase at a faster rate.
Slots, Poker, Solitaire, Roulette and Blackjack jackpots now start at 100,000 chips instead of 25,000.
Improve the odds of winning CP's in Daily Slot spins.
Hitting the enter key no longer randomly causes travel or the mini-map to display while in a casino game.
Fixed issue causing incorrect outdoor sounds to play randomly.
Fixed several audio issues in Safari.
NPC's no longer walk directly over street light poles.
The "ghost" pig and bomb pickup issue has been fixed.
Fixed a few issues with game settings not always saving.
Closing the Daily Slot Machine no longer causes a lag when it reaches the bottom of the screen.
A game disconnect right as a new slot spin is starting will no longer cause it to get stuck spinning infinitely.
Opening/closing your phone while at a table game no longer causes issues with quick chat.
Fixed an issue where some casinos in the corners of zones couldn't rotate.
Fixed a bug that caused visual glitches when wearing female black high-top shoes.
Fixed an issue that caused a few crashes of the game server of the last few weeks. Also improved our monitoring for issues like this.
The number in crew bank history is now correct after the first page.
Fixed an issue where a few medals weren't always getting awarded correctly.
The winnings chip stack in solitaire will no longer update unless it changes (it would flash sometimes).
Various performance improvements to both server and client.
July 24, 2015
CREWS: We'd like to get feedback on new proposed crew updates. Please read the details and take the survey here: Proposed Crew Updates Survey #2
A new "Community Events Trophy" item has been created that will be given out during the monthly CA events.
After changing the waypoint location on the taxi screen (whether through clicking, favorite or zone entry), simply pressing the "Enter" key will now cause you to travel to that location.
While editing floor tiles, if you click to a different menu without saving, a confirmation will popup asking if you want to first save and not lose your work.
Added a retry button to description displays of missions that are able to be retried.
New players will now be given a "Build a Casino" mission after buying their first lot to help them learn how to begin construction.
Building doors are disabled during mail delivery missions to prevent accidental entry when trying to click on the NPC.
Pre-generated another 1.4 million character images to go into the rotation for new players, contractors, etc.
The red entrance arrow on buildings no longer displays while exiting a building.
When placing roulette bets, your previous bets no longer get cleared if you go over your bet limit.
Renamed the "PAYS" button in slots to "INFO."
Tweaked down the frequency and volume of horn and siren sounds.
The wait time between completing a janitor game and going back to the casino has been decreased.
Automatically close the elevator menu, real estate market, auction house and taxi display when when going to condo or inside/outside.
Made several tweaks and fixes to the new player tutorial.
Fixed bug in Chrome 44 that caused some text shadows to turn white.
Navigating the expanded mini-map now correctly highlights your owned buildings.
Rotating the While Lamp item no longer crashes the game.
Editing a casino lot not longer causes the name to temporarily appear as "Nameless Gambling Den."
Display of XP bar is now correct when opening taxi display.
The murder mission now correctly resets the casino floor, which fixed several different bugs.
Opening a taxi with the camera open no longer breaks the camera app.
Prevent crews from withdrawing from battle if they don't have enough funds.
Strip whitespace from zone name input on taxi to prevent bugs when trying to travel.
Prevent the rare instance of 2 of the same mission modal opening on a double-click.
Fixed the date display on the weekly GoldFire Network notifications digest.
Fixed choppiness in level up animation.
Fixed a few typos around the game.
Various other bug fixes on the client and server.
July 19, 2015
Selling price of limited edition items no longer degrades over time.
Timers on poker tables must now be between 10 and 60 seconds.
The Properties app now shows a construction zone and a timer while a new building is under construction.
The Properties app now shows a countdown when a building is being upgraded.
Several zones had missing lots that are now available.
Fixed issue with some mission NPC's disappearing.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause bomb pickups to "jump" when trying to collect them.
Fixed a few issues that would sometimes cause sprints to get stuck.
Fixed a few issues that would sometimes cause players to get stuck when exiting a building.
Fixed an issue with some animating lot items that would stop animating.
Fixed some display issues with the building permit mission.
If you change a lot's name before building a casino on it, the casino now inherits the lot's name when built.
Prevent upgrading an item that is broken and can't be repaired.
Error messages now display correctly when purchasing gold through the Windows app.
Upgrading a casino after renovating it now displays the countdown correctly.
July 7, 2015
SUMMER PROMO: We have 8 new limited edition summer-themed items available for your lots! Get all of the details on how you can get your hands on 7 of them before they are no longer available after July 15 by clicking on the beach-ball icon at the top of the game screen (the 8th can only be gotten in Daily Slots and Party Bombs).
WINDOWS: As the Windows 10 launch approaches, we could really use your help by leaving ratings/reviews for our app. Click here to visit the listing page, thanks!
WINDOWS: As the Windows 10 launch approaches, we could really use your help by leaving ratings/reviews for our app. Click here to visit the listing page, thanks!
The Windows App is now fully updated for Windows 10.
Local and table chat boxes/font have been slightly increased in size.
The odds of condo/lot items in bombs have been lowered.
Several more tweaks to the new-player tutorial.
Fixed many memory leaks that were causing performance issues on the client, especially after playing for extended periods.
Fixed several memory leaks on the server.
Sometimes world pickups would spawn on top of lot items, which should no longer be an issue.
The janitor outfit now loads correctly for janitor shifts.
Fixed various small issues here and there with the new characters system.
Fixed some NPC's that were dressed with the wrong types of clothes (janitors, bartenders, mission characters, etc).
Fix position/height of the new iron railing items.
Various other bug fixes.
June 23, 2015
Character customizations have received a total overhaul from the ground up:
- All character art has been recreated with more detail and to look more natural.
- All animations completely re-created with 2 extra frames to be smoother.
- There are now 1,295 different clothing options, which leads to tens of millions of possible combinations.
- Added a new category: accessories!
- Completely new character creation screen that is easier to use and works better on all screen sizes.
- Added character preview rotation.
- Added color picker to clothing selections.
- Improved speed of saving new characters by 4-5x.
- Better compression of character images for faster loading.
- Added a second character idle state pose for better variety.
- Citizens now have access to the new holiday-themed outfits. More exclusive clothing to come in future updates.
- All NPC's in the city have been re-generated with improved outfits and personalities (it could take a few hours before they start showing up again).
25 new lot items added.
23 new casino/crew items added.
8 new condo items added.
Citizens that don't have building edit permissions now have their crew driver working correctly.
Fixed a few compatibility issues with Windows 10.
Fixed several missing addresses in various areas of the map.
Closed a loophole that allowed crew leadership to edit the founder's permissions.
Hourly profit notice now shows correctly when walking from an open to a closed casino of yours.
Fixed occasional issue with saving of "block invites" setting.
Fixed a few rare bugs with the new networking system.
Various other bug fixes around the game.