News & Updates

October 7, 2014
E-mail notifications are now sent for crew battles and wars to make sure everyone in your crew is aware of what's going on (there is also a setting in Game Settings to turn this off if you don't want to get these e-mails).
Clicking on items in your vault now shows the item's stats and name.
Several tweaks to how the new battle scoring is calculated to make it more balanced.
More improvements to the Community Ambassador systems to help everyone enjoy the community in a consistent manner.
Fixed a bug with how poker battle/war points were being calculated.
Fixed a rare issue that would sometimes cause poker hands to duplicate visually.
Fixed a few issues that would sometimes cause the large chat window to stop updating.
Fixed a few bugs with awarding of XP in poker, blackjack and roulette.
Crew challenges should now be correctly enforcing the 20% less members rule.
October 3, 2014
Crew Battles were an exciting feature for us to release many months, and in that time we've collected all sorts of data and feedback about the experience. The goal of Battles/Wars is to simulate a real world competition, not unlike a sporting event, where a mixture of skill and luck can win the day, even if you are the underdog. With this goal still in mind, we've made several updates to Battles/Wars to further move towards that goal. There are no longer different types of battles, just "All Around." Points are now scored through a mixture of experience and party sprint-style scoring. The experience battle type was the most popular due to its simplicity, so that is the foundation, but with the excitement/uncertainty of sprints mixed in to take it to the next level. You should now be able to play whatever you enjoy most and still contribute to your team's success.
"Pre-bombing" is now blocked, which means only points from Party Bombs that were dropped after the Battle/War began will count.
Party Bomb points no longer count in the last hour of Battles and the last 3 hours of Wars.
Crews can now only challenge other crews that are 20% smaller than them or larger, rather than a set 5 member difference.
Building doors can now be clicked from any distance, the arrow no longer needs to be visible to enter (the arrow and name card will still show when you get close).
Buildings now highlight when hovering over their door with your mouse.
More updates/improvements to the new player flows.
A few tweaks to the visuals of the janitor job game.
Completely fixed issues with some player avatars not showing (you may have to clear your browser cache if you are still seeing the issue).
Failing the new missions that asks you to go to a specific casino no longer causes a failure on every load of the game.
Fixed several visual bugs with double XP bonuses.
Chip, Casino Points and XP stats sometimes got out of sync when leaving slot games.
Fixed a few display issues caused by going full screen.
The volume slider no longer gets stuck on your mouse when sliding it too quickly.
Mute Music option now works correctly after toggling Mute All.
Mute All now works correctly after a game reload.
Tweaked the volume level of background music.
Fixed a bug that caused some crew buildings to be closed, preventing things like ATM's from working inside.
Fixed a few more missing casino addresses.
XP amounts greater than 1,000,000 now display in a smaller font size so they don't get cut off.
Tweak the font size of long crew names in live battle results.
September 24, 2014
The outside world is now a little more dynamic with periodic prizes hidden around the city (some visible and others you'll have to search for). These prizes can be items, chips, casino points, experience and more! Similar to the Flying Piggy Bank, these are global drops that once collected are gone for everyone. Note: it will take a few hours for the first drops to appear after this update goes out.
Searching for players in the apartment buildings and whisper to players is no longer case-sensitive.
Added simple first-run tutorials to Slots, Blackjack and Roulette to help new players figure out the interface for those games.
Updated our audio engine to the new 2.0-beta, which provides better cross-browser support, performance boosts and lots of other fixes and improvements.
Tweaked the volumes of almost all sounds in the game to be at much better levels.
Smoothed out the indoor/outdoor background music transitions.
There are some new ambient sounds outside.
Winnings in Slots now animate from the winnings display rather than a random spot in the bottom of the screen.
Big Slot wins will now be shown with a quick text display on screen.
Fixed an issue that caused some players to see some avatars as invisible.
Fixed an issue that sometimes allowed party bomb drops to appear outside the walls of a condo floor.
The notice for Pick 5 XP winnings now shows the correct amount.
Fixed a rare case where your daily counter could get reset.
Cleared out more various client errors/bugs.
September 19, 2014
Made quite a few tweaks to the new player flow to smooth out the process of getting into the game and becoming active.
It is now more clear what benefit you get when buying a drink.
The mission coin in the top right of your screen now animates slightly when the percent complete increases.
The new mission animation has been tweaked.
Several speed improvements to the generation of new character outfits.
Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause slots to get stuck spinning on a server disconnect.
Fixed window resizing issues with global chat and casino/condo/lot menus.
Quick chat will no longer overlay a 2nd alert message that pops up.
Fixed a big list of client bugs/errors.
September 16, 2014
You can now see the online player count from the global chat window (not to be confused with the list of users showing above it, which are just the players with the chat window open).
Chat scrollbars on global and poker chat no longer hide, which should make it easier for those of you who like to drag the scrollbars to scroll.
The daily voting counter now correctly resets at the same time as all of the other daily resets.
The 5 free member spots in crews are now shown as free upgrade slots to be more clear.
Fixed a few bugs with the updates to global chat.
Fixed a bug that could cause a poker tournament to freeze in rare cases.
There is no longer a small "bob" to the Blue Casino Sign item animation.
Various other bug fixes around the game.
September 11, 2014
The global chat window no longer has paging buttons, you can simply scroll through the chat messages like you would in a normal chat application.
Emotes can now be used in global chat! There is a new emote button in the global chat window that can show you what are available.
Global chat will now store up to the last 250 messages instead of just 100.
When clicking on a player's avatar in global chat, it will now show actions: profile and whisper.
URLs posted in chat by Citizens are now converted to clickable links (remember to follow the rules).
There is a new setting in Game Settings to make the global chat font size larger.
Quick chat now displays up to the last 10 chat messages (space permitting), and is able to show more by sitting further in the bottom right. Opening the text input slides the chat up.
A new display/ordering system has been created for local chat. This will make it much easier to see local chat messages no matter where you are.
There are 3 new lot items available: colored casino signs.
The way poker tournaments are seated has been changed. You can still go to the table 15 minutes before it starts to chat, but you won't be seated until the tournament itself starts. You will then be automatically taken to the table that you have been assigned. This will guarantee that tables start out and stay balanced.
There is now a window to see the most recent 10 Pick 5 jackpot winners.
If you originally entered your gender incorrectly when signing up, you can now change it from your user settings page.
There is now a timer showing when you can vote again for free CP/Chips.
Post-crew battle protection is now assigned through a free bank upgrade so that you can see how long until it expires (if you already have the upgrade, it won't add extra time, which keeps the behavior the same as it is now).
Poker chat has been updated to use the same scrolling system that global chat now uses.
Non-citizens now have a month instead of 2 weeks to close a casino after it was first opened.
Dialog modal windows now have a darkened background behind them to better make them stand out.
Players must now be level 8+ to join crews.
All of the overlapping issues in local chat should now be fixed.
Closing the global chat window while on the crew tab no longer causes quick chat to go to crew chat.
When leaving or being removed from a crew, the player's connection to the crew chat is immediately terminated.
Fixed several issues with the new user tutorial that were causing issues for some players.
Fixed blackjack bug that didn't auto-stand after a double on the 2nd set of a split that resulted in a 21.
Fixed issues some players were having with not being able to complete building permit mission.
Pressing the 'a' keyboard shortcut when placing an upgraded casino correctly finalizes the upgrade.
Prevent buying into poker tournaments multiple times.
Fixed a host of cross-browser issues.
September 5, 2014
Windows is now a login option for the GoldFire Network (we added this with all of you Windows app players in mind).
There is now a "Back to Lobby" option when leaving a poker table that allows you to temporarily leave without sitting up from your seat (especially useful in tournaments). This will sit you away while you are gone from the table.
Scoring for XP-based battles and wars has been updated with regard to Party Bombs. Their points aren't being completely removed; however, they will only count towards your score if you are currently on the team that is losing.
The username of the player that matched your 50/50 bet is now shown in the notice.
The notices for your Pick 5 winning ticket results are now working correctly.
Prevent Party Bombs from dropping pickups right off the edge of an indoor map.
Fixed a few failover issues with the database to prevent random downtime.
Fixed a missing address issue on a few lots.
Prevent buying a Party Bomb when you already have a contract to keep them from getting stuck.
Fixed a reset issue with the Pick 5 lottery jackpot.
Double-XP now displays correctly while playing slots (was just a visual bug).
Fixed a client error that could have been causing some issues in the real estate office.
Several other various bug fixes.
September 2, 2014
There is now a new type of casino game: lottery games. The first two lottery games are "Pick 5" and "50/50," which can both be played by walking up to one of the new lottery machines.
There are 7 new lottery machine items, 2 of which can only be obtained through Daily Slots.
It has been a while since we've released new medals, so we've now added 27 more! Some of these are counting starting now, but some have gone back and will be retroactively awarded if you've already earned them in the next hour or so.
The minimum bet based on the small blind has been raised on poker cash games.
Editing a floor no longer causes drops from Party Bombs to disappear.
Team colors are only set on players that are eligible for the war.
Re-pricing a listing in the Real Estate Market now works by clicking 'enter' and the submit button.
Fixed a bug that was causing a broken message to display when dropping Party Bombs.
August 23, 2014
Experience gained from purchasing drinks at bars no longer counts towards experience-based crew battles or wars.
New crews now start with 2 weeks of free protection.
Fixed various bugs on both client and server.
August 19, 2014
Team balancing for crew wars has been completely overhauled. Instead of a completely automated system, we thought we'd leave it up to you, in a similar fashion to picking teams on the playground. The top 2 eligible crews will be selected as team leaders, and all other eligible crews will be placed on the temporary 'gray' team. The two team leaders then vote on the crews they want on their team (all members can vote). After 24 hours, a round-robin selection is made to select all teams, using ranking as a tie-breaker and for teams with 0 votes.
Level 20+ players that own a casino can now hire contract workers to promote their casinos. Simply go to the "Manage" menu inside your casino, purchase a contract, then go to any outdoor location and click on the contract to place the worker. You can rotate them, move them and change the casino they are promoting for 24 hours. In the future, more advanced contract workers will be added as well.
Poker Cash Games can now be created as either Chip or Casino Point tables (level 10+ only).
There is a new type of bar item available for purchase: Espresso Bar. Drinking from this bar can help to sober you up more quickly!
The scoring system for crews has now been reworked to take into account how competitive a battle was (more competitive battles get a bonus).
There will now be an alert at the top of the screen every 30 minutes during war showing the current scores.
Your monthly ranking now shows on your profile/homepage and on the notification center in the bottom left of the screen.
The rotate button is now disabled for items that can't be rotated.
Tweaked the size and position of several window elements that didn't look quite right on smaller screen resolutions.
Quick chat is now hidden while NPC alerts in the bottom left of the screen are showing.
The image of your casino is now shown in the new casino listing tab of the Real Estate Market.
Upgrading a casino now works much more smoothly on touch-screen devices.
The button to open the "Manage Properties" window has been changed from a location market to a smartphone. How else are you getting live updates on all of your casinos stats and instantly calling your personal driver?
The slots pay tables now display the correct values at all bet levels.
Team colors correctly get removed from crew listings at the end of war.
Fixed a missing address in a few zones.
Fixed an issue where mission giver icons would sometimes flicker.
The casino upgrade alert messages should now be displaying again.
Fixed an issue with saving audio settings after marking "Mute Effects."