News & Updates

July 31, 2014
After the first load of the game, subsequent loads will now be much faster (this could take a few hours or days to kick in depending on your computer/browser/network).
The interaction with clickable elements of the game have been improved for touch-screen devices.
Clicking on a casino game, door, etc will now highlight the action text until you stop walking.
Improved support for adding the game as a home screen web app on Android and iOS (iOS is not recommended until iOS 8 later this fall, as home screen web apps aren't hardware accelerated).
The icon that shows in your browser tab has been updated to show a stack of chips.
Fixed a bug in the scout pigeons mission that would sometimes prevent completion.
Clicking away from the bar menu now closes it.
Fixed an issue where the hedge guy mission wouldn't always be available when it should be.
Chat messages that are deleted in global chat are now correctly deleted from quick chat.
July 29, 2014
12 new lot items are now available (all trees). 9 are available from the edit lot menu, and the other 3 can be won while playing Daily Slots.
Items can now be sold directly from the vault, even if they can't be placed where you currently are (so those of you without casinos can now sell your casino items).
There is now a 4th and 6th mission available in the poker series.
An issue causing some of the flag items to stop animating should now be fixed.
Fixed another possible error in the jungle slots bonus game.
A rare issue that could prevent you from switching slot machines should now be fixed.
Fixed bug that would sometimes display the wrong XP client-side from slot bonus spins, making it look like you lost XP when leaving the machine.
When using the Windows 8 App, the fullscreen button no longer displays on the main menu (since the app is fullscreen by default).
An issue that sometimes would cause multi-table poker tournaments to not merge correctly should now be fixed.
Fixed a bug with editing floors when using a Windows 8 touch-screen laptop.
Fixed a few issues with leaving floors when clicking just past the door.
Reloading the game will no longer reset your progress when scouting for pigeons.
July 26, 2014
While a crew war is happening live, you can visit your crew's battle tab to see a live list of all participating players, ordered by score, as apposed to just the crew scores on the main view.
Double-XP Day is now working correctly (timezones make things tricky). We've extended it by 24 hours from the time of this update, so nobody is losing any double experience.
When leaving the live war view, you will now correctly stop receiving the live updates.
When playing slots or other delayed events, you will no longer see your war/battle points update before you see the XP on your own game.
If you aren't in the war, your crew's battle tab now correctly shows 'N/A' for team name.
Fix shadows on main menu text that weren't displaying correctly on some browsers.
July 25, 2014
All audio has been re-encoded to have both a smaller file size and better quality, meaning audio will load faster and sound much better!
We've made various updates to our database to improve efficiency and performance.
Fixed a bunch of small issues with the new user introduction series.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a visual "draw in" of the map when leaving a building.
Expanding the mini-map no longer shows behind your missions list.
If a crew isn't in the current crew war, show 'N/A' instead of 'Black.'
Fix an occasional lag issue with mail pickup mission.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
July 23, 2014
Several new casino game missions have been added for each game type.
There are a few new alternate mission givers for casino games scattered around the city.
Pressing of buttons now works dramatically better on touch-screen devices.
The full screen button now works correctly on all browsers and devices.
Fixed issue with slots sometimes getting stuck in an infinite spin (especially after switching tabs).
Updated our audio engine to fix a few different browser bugs.
Fixed a few bugs with the tile editor that would sometimes cause the placement of tiles to get stuck and be placed where you didn't intend.
Fixed a few bugs with the new Jungle Slots bonus game.
Fixed a bug that could cause the poker pot display to get off when a new player was in the hand.
Fixed a few random bugs in the lot editor.
The poker jackpot is now only awarded once per hand, so that you don't win it multiple times from the main and side pots.
July 19, 2014
NOTICE: We are now selecting 'Casino of the Week' on our social media channels, so be sure to submit your casino on Facebook or Twitter!

The bonus game on Jungle Slots has received an incredible overhaul. It is now its own unique game that includes stunning artwork, animations and prizes!
The last saturday of every month is now Double-XP Day! This means, for a 24-hour period, you'll see a 2x flag when logging in, giving you double the experience from every activity in-game.
We've recreated the new player tutorial flow to use less words and more visuals.
Fixed bug on the Windows app and for Internet Explorer users that would sometimes cause the game to freeze when a Party Bomb went off.
Poker jackpot winners are now being logged correctly.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
July 15, 2014
Crew War is a new feature similar to Crew Battles, but it is between all crews and lasts longer (but is much more infrequent). The first Crew War will be starting later next week, and you can get all of the details about how it will work from the info button on the battles tab inside your crew screen.
When purchasing GoldFire Gold, the "mobile/bank/other" payment option has now been replaced with a new (much better provider). In addition to offer a better checkout process, they also offer a host of new payment options (especially for those of you playing from outside the USA).
There is now a level 30 betting tier for Slots and Blackjack to allow those of you at higher levels to bet a bit higher (similar to what Roulette already has).
Blackjack's CP reward system has been updated with a similar system used in both Roulette and Poker, which means you can still win Casino Points even if you aren't winning hands.
Fixed a bug with live battles display where only the first in the list would show the time left.
Fixed an issue with the Daily Slot countdown.
Fixed issue that would sometimes prevent re-purchasing another Party Bomb.
July 11, 2014
The display of Pay Tables on slot machines has been completely redone with an integrated display and much more information. Click the "PAYS" button to view it.
The Flying Piggy Bank now has a new possible award: Double XP for an hour! If you win this, you'll get a blue flag hanging under your level, like the speed boost flag.
We've added a few new missions to the Slots, Blackjack, Poker and Roulette missions. These are in addition to the original series for these mission givers, so you'll have to complete these new ones to start doing the random missions from each of those mission givers again.
XP gained from dropping a Party Bomb no longer counts towards crew battles.
Improved performance in several areas on the server to prevent lag during areas of concentrated activity (like during a big party bomb drop).
Previously, if you had a crew XP bonus, your client wouldn't show the bonus correctly when playing Slots, Blackjack or Roulette, which would cause your client to get out of sync from what your actual XP stats were.
Prevent an auto-stand when the 2nd set in a Blackjack split is 21.
Sometimes grand opening signs would appear or disappear when they shouldn't.
Prevent upper-level floors from showing when leaving a poker table on the 1st floor.
July 8, 2014
You can now walk up to any ATM and purchase a "Party Bomb." When purchased, a literal bomb will appear over your head. You can then go anywhere you would like and ignite it by clicking on it. It will then proceed to launch a large number of items (including an exclusive item that you can currently only get in Daily Slots). Other players can then collect these prizes, and you will earn XP for each different person that collects!
Two key metrics are now displayed when loading into your condo each day: XP to next level and your current monthly rank.
When entering casinos, you can now see the ranking of that casino based on profit (there is no central leaderboard).
The crew bank history has been revamped with 2 new sections: overall and weekly rankings.
Audio has been added to the completion and failure of missions.
A new construction project has been approved near the city square in 0A0 with a fantastic new condo building within walking distance of all of the original casinos.
If the leader of a crew leaves the crew, then the 2nd person in command will automatically become the leader with all permissions unlocked.
The length of temporary speed boosts have been increased on the drinks from bars.
Various tweaks to animations in the game, some of which have been sped up.
When earning XP, your level display will fade into a display of your total XP out of the amount needed to level up (you can already see this by hovering over your level).
The official game guide has been updated to cover many of the new features released over the last few months.
When a property is sold on the Real Estate Market, its current metrics are stored so that the history of the listing doesn't keep updating with the current stats.
Fixed several issues/tweaks with the intro tutorial for new players.
Display of average stack size in poker tournaments should now be working.
Fixed a bug that could cause your previous poker hand to show on the next hand.
Improved performance on the server when a new poker hand starts.
Fixed bug that would sometimes falsely display an error stating your account had been logged in on another computer.
Fixed bug with payout of Blackjack insurance.
Fixed a few typos around the game.
Fixed several issues with the guest view of casinos.
July 1, 2014
SUMMER PROMO: We have 6 new limited edition multi-colored flags for your lots available. Get all of the details on how you can get your hands on these items before they are no longer available after July 11 by clicking on the beach-ball icon at the top of the game screen.
NEW CONTEST: We've started a new contest for the month of July, so be sure to click the contest button to the right of your Casino Points to get the details!

Global chat now has a whisper function. It works similar to crew chat, enter "/w username message" to send a private message to another player. It will show up in global and quick chat, but will be a different color and only seen by that user. Typing usernames is case sensitive, so the message won't work if it isn't exact.
There is now a new trophy available: Friend Trophy. You will be awarded this trophy the first time you invite a friend to CasinoRPG with your casino's unique sharing URL and they signup. If you've already invite someone, you'll get it for the next person you invite.
In addition to the 6 new limited edition flags, there are 12 other flags available as well (6 in the lot editor and 6 in Daily Slots)!
The mini-map now has a key that can be viewed when it is expanded.
There is now a third audio control in the game settings: Mute Effects. This will mute the background effects such as car horns and people talking in casinos.
There is now a history of the last 10 jackpot winners for each casino game. For Poker, Blackjack and Roulette, click on Info and then the help icon next to the current jackpot. For Slots, simply click on the jackpot display.
There is now an alert notice when the daily resets happen.
Poker tournaments will now display the average chip stack size next to the list of top players.
Poker tournaments now display the number of payout positions when signing up (it will increase as the number of players signed up increases).
Poker tournaments and Sit and Go's now display when and what the next blinds will be in the info window (click on or mouse over the help icon next to the current blinds).
Clicking away in poker now sits you away at the end of the current hand rather than auto-folding you.
Large poker bets will no longer get cut off in the bet/raise display.
Fixed another bug that could cause crew battles to start early sometimes.
Fixed a few bugs in our audio engine and improved support on tablets.