News & Updates
December 5, 2013
The property management window can now handle multiple pages of properties.
Opening multiple employee management windows now closes the previous to prevent window flicker issues.
Your slot games no longer get reset if the server disconnects, they will now auto reconnect.
We've made some behind-the-scenes updates to the missions system to prepare for the in-progress party mission system (woot!).
Fixed some user experience issues with the chip races missions.
A rare timing issue that could cause a poker tournament to freeze has been fixed.
When loading into a poker table that already has chat messages, they will now scroll to the bottom automatically from the start.
December 2, 2013
Reminder: There's only a few days left to apply to be a Community Ambassador (click here to apply).
You can now close your casino. Why would you want to do this you ask? Well, the most common scenario is when someone opens their casino too early and weren't really ready for the rush of customers and costs associated with them. So, if you are a Citizen (which everyone is during beta) or during the first two weeks your casino is open, you can close your casino's doors by going to the outdoor building editor.
You can now enter your condo by walking up to any apartment building and going inside. This is just temporary as we plan on having actual insides to the apartment buildings (similar to the real estate building) in the future.
We've made some tweaks to the intro player tutorial that will let them see the 3 main areas of the game right from the start.
Fixed a few bugs with the murder mission.
There was an occasional bug in poker that caused bet chips to animate at the end of betting rounds from players that weren't in the hand.
Fixed a bug that could cause Chip/Casino Point counts to be visually off when rapidly purchasing many casino items.
Empty floors no longer count towards overtime when working the janitor job.
Removed the arbitrary casino popularity limit of 1000.
November 27, 2013
Community Ambassador Applications: If you would like to be a CA, click here to apply.
Real Estate Offices will now offer a free taxi ride to another office with open land for players that don't already own land.
There are now a few new chip race missions scattered throughout the city.
The lot editor now hides other buildings during editing.
When leaving a slot game, the other players on the floor will be correctly synced.
When you unlock an item in a slot bonus game, you no longer have to reload the game to see the updated unlock status.
Fix a bug that caused an upgrade to a 5-star casino to show as a 4-star casino.
Fix bug with casino upgrade notices being sent too many times.
Fixed a bug with the Blackjack dealer switch that caused it to not always work as intended.
Fix a bug that caused doorways to interfere with mail mission delivery.
November 25, 2013
New slot theme! Up until now the only slot game you could play was 'Classic Slots.' We are now excited to announce the release of 'Reel Saloon,' which is a western themed slot game. You can play this by walking up to one of the new western-themed slot machines in a casino that has one.
In addition to the 3 new slot machine items (which must be unlocked from the bonus game on the new slot theme), we've added 27 new western themed items for use in and out of your casinos.
Chip race markers on the mini-map are now more obvious.
Fixed some issues with the pigeon pass mission that may have been causing pigeons to get stuck.
Fixed several server bugs that were causing disconnects and crashes.
Fixed issue with the awarding of the 'Monthling' medal.
Shortened numbers that are greater than 10 million now get displayed correctly (example, 10 million to 10M).
Signing up for poker tournaments now correctly updates your poker stats in your profile.
Fixed a display issue with casino capacity.
November 18, 2013
There is a new mission near the main square, a murder mystery! Find the police officer to get this mission. You will be employed as a detective on a murder case and you must solve the murder to receive a reward.
We now have an official CasinoRPG Twitter account, click here to follow us! On that note, don't forget to also like us on Facebook.
The postwoman mission has been moved to a new location.
Fix a few server errors in poker and blackjack that were causing server restarts.
Fix a Blackjack bug that allowed hitting after a double on the first set of a split.
A poker table or tournament should no longer have a chance to get frozen if an error occurs while starting a new hand or during a table merge.
November 13, 2013
Seven new poker tournaments have been added to the schedule (Tri-Daily 2.5K Freeroll, Midnight Madness, Sunday Millions, Turbo Tuesdays, Turbo Thursdays, The Mayor's Weekly 10K Freeroll, Daily 5K Turbo). These will begin to show up for signups over the next few days.
There is a new global broadcast that fires when new poker tournaments open for signups.
Fixed a visual glitch in the poker lobby.
Fixed a rare bug that would cause an all-in player to lose their chips if a lower-stack all-in player folded their hand after the flop, but before the river.
Fixed some issues with poker medals not being awarded correctly, and awarded the missing ones.
November 12, 2013
This is mostly just a maintenance update. We've got some bigger updates in the works that will be coming soon though!
Fixed a few small bugs with poker tournaments (more on the way).
There was a bug at the beginning of the month that prevented monthly rankings from resetting, this should be fixed for next month.
Fixed some visual issues with the revenue chart.
Fixed bug that prevented some entities from being placed along editor borders.
NPC's should no longer occasionally exit an elevator onto the wrong floor.
Mission-giver portrait images will now always be mounted to the window instead of sometimes not showing up.
Some other various bugs and tweaks.
November 1, 2013
End Halloween promotion.
There is now a global notice when someone wins a multi-table poker tournament.
Add in the missing 4th bust statue item.
Fix a bug that caused players to get booted from tournaments when going all-in and everyone else folded.
Fix visual bug in poker that caused it to look like you didn't get removed after going out.
October 31, 2013
REMINDER: There's only 24 hours left in the Halloween promotion, and the Candy Corn Machine will never be available again. Get the details by clicking on the orange Halloween icon to the right of your Casino Points.
We've added 12 awesome new items for your casinos! These are all decorative items and include 8 rope barriers and 4 bust statues.
The 'Daily 2.5K Freeroll' is now the 'Bi-Daily 2.5K Freeroll' and will run midday and at night (US time, but the times in the poker lobby are your local time).
Poker tournaments are now ordered opposite from before, so that tournaments that are starting soonest will be at the top.
Several more poker fixes relating to the poker tournaments (we'll begin scheduling more soon).
When getting knocked out of a poker tournament, you will now get added to the watch list.
When splitting in Blackjack, your 2nd set will no longer auto-stand when doubling to a 21 on the first set.
October 30, 2013
Fix several bugs with the new poker tournaments. We'll be running another freeroll today to see if we can squash anymore bugs. While the freeroll costs nothing to buy-in, you will still win chips, XP and Casino Points for playing.
Dramatically decrease the break rate of items, so you should no longer see waves of broken items on crowded floors anymore.