December 8, 2013
Chrome Web Store Users: If you are a user of the CasinoRPG app on the Google Chrome Web Store, we could really use your help to rise in the rankings from positive reviews and +1's with the G+1 button. No obligation, but if you'd like to help grow the community, click here to visit our listing.
Google+ login has been added for GoldFire Network logins to CasinoRPG.
Poker tables should now longer have their player counts off.
When leaving a poker table, the poker lobby will re-update with fresh data.
Poker stats now correctly update when getting refunded from a poker tournament that didn't start.
Poker stats for chips won are now updated correctly from freerolls.
Prevent opening of multiple poker tournament signup windows so that you can't accidentally signup to the same tournament multiple times.
Players that are inactive and sitting at a poker SnG that hasn't yet started will now be removed after 3 minutes, just like on a cash game.
Prevent your cards from flashing sometimes before the start of the new hand.
Fix rare issue in poker that would cause your previous hand's cards to show rather than the new cards.
Various other bug fixes.