September 9, 2013

REMINDER: GoldFire Studios Fireside Chat #24 will be airing live tomorrow at 6:00 PM CDT (September 10). Come with questions ready for live Q&A with James and Luke!

You probably noticed that multiple people playing at a Blackjack or Poker table were stacked on top of each other. While this was very cozy, it looked awful. Players walking up to these tables will now find open spots and stand in those, giving a much more natural look to the casinos.
Tweaks to the Blackjack Table and Sculpture item images.
Prevents NPCs from using slot machines that players are already at. You can't use a machine they are at, so why should they be able to use yours?!
Opening a fresh large chat window sometimes made several chat lines stack on top of each other. This should no longer happen.
Sitting in a seat at a Blackjack table while now provide instant feedback when there is a bit of lag.
There were a few issues with leveling up that sometimes caused your display of Casino Points and Chips to appear off.
Fix some connection issues on Internet Explorer 9 (you really shouldn't be using this browser, but if you should work a little better now).
More various bug fixes.