February 8, 2014

NEW CONTEST: For the next month we'll be running a referral contest with some big prizes. We've made it incredibly easy to participate and win, so get all all of the details by clicking the contest icon in-game (to the right of the Casino Points display) and by going to this forum post.

53 new character customization options are now available (there's even a ninja outfit)!
In preparation for upcoming jobs, we've created a "job board" that lets you access all of your jobs and see an overview of stats for all of them. You currently access this the same way you access the janitor job (by clicking on the mop bucket in your condo).
There are now keyboard shortcuts for the Yes (y) and No (no) buttons when selecting what to do about insurance in Blackjack.
Fixed a bug in Roulette that threw an error saying you didn't have enough chips when you had only the amount for one max bet.
Adding/removing friends from the profile inside CasinoRPG now works correctly.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause world objects to visually disappear (such as flower beds in parks).
Several bugs relating to Roulette jackpots have been squashed.
Updated our audio engine to fix some cross-browser issues.
Repositioned an out of place fire hydrant and manhole.
Prevent the taxi window from being cut off on smaller screens.
Leaving BJ/Roulette on an upper floor no longer causes the outside walls/lower floors to disappear.
Various bug fixes for sprint party missions.
Various bug fixes and tweaks with the new slots.