April 1, 2014
The global chat now has a "Chat Bot" that will post the current time every 15 minutes to give you some context when first loading into the game and looking at chat history.
A repellent has been formulated that has successfully rid the city of the rubber-eating pigeons!
Several tweaks and bug fixes have been applied to the casino environment ratings. This is still an experimental feature and currently has no impact on your casinos as we continue to tweak it until it is right.
The vault check that sees if you have enough room for more items in storage is now working correctly.
When you purchase a new lot, the for sale sign will be removed immediately.
If you leave a cash game and then come back, the amount you need to buy-in with is auto pre-filled in the text input.
Fixed the fading animation when leaving poker tables.
Fixed a bug that would cause the game to freeze if you double-clicked the mini-map while it was expanding after clicking on a taxi.
Lots of other error fixes that were causing various issues.