April 6, 2014
IMPORTANT: This update contains a lot of changes/improvements to the server architecture to prevent issues post-launch. We've done a lot of local testing, but new bugs could arise. Please continue to report anything that even seems just slightly odd so we can be sure to have a smooth launch on April 16th. Also, in case you missed it, the new CasinoRPG trailer is available here.

There is now an ignore/unignore button in player profiles that will allow you to filter that player's messages from global chat.
You can now store up to 40 favorite waypoints (80 for citizens). There are now also controls to page between your list of favorites in the mini-map and in the taxi.
Crew buildings are now displayed in orange with a 'C' icon on the mini-map.
Taxis now correctly drop you off at the curbside. We plan on eventually making this even better with some cool animations.
Keyboard events for the floor editor are now fired on key-down rather than key-up.
Fix a bug in crew battles that prevent points from storing correctly in poker.
Fix a few depth-sorting issues caused by yesterday's UI performance updates.
The condo's front door is no longer under the editor grid during the intro tutorial.
The vault storage area is now sized correctly, so the prev/next buttons don't go over the bottom of the screen.
Moving an item out of the vault no longer takes you back to page 1.
Setup a new system to make sure new player's verifications actually go through (sometimes they would get dropped due to network issues, so now they will get resent until network issues are solved).
Cleared out a big list of server bugs and errors to prevent crashes, exploits and attacks.