April 16, 2014
This is an exciting day for all of us here at GoldFire Studios, and we hope you join us in that excitement! Today is the official launch of CasinoRPG after a full year of beta testing. We can't thank all of you enough for your support and feedback. We've still got a lot in store for this game, and we hope to see all of you along for the ride.

Launch Day Sale: For the first 24-hours of the launch, all Casino Point purchases with Gold will get an extra 25% CP!

Beta trophies! Yesterday, you started getting GoldFire Pioneer Trophies, and today everyone that participated in the beta will get a Beta Trophy in their vaults as well.
Citizenship is here! All of our amazing beta testers receive 30 days of free citizenship (Kickstarter backers have received their free citizenship on top of those 30 days as well). To see all of the benefits, go to the Casino Points screen and click "Citizen."
Everyone will also be getting a beta medal today as well.
Outside audio should all be working correctly now, especially when concerning the 3D fountain audio.
You will no longer hear fountain audio while in some casinos.
The hotkey for the accept button in the editor now works after rotating an item.
Various other bug fixe and tweaks.