May 28, 2014
REMINDER: The free Pioneer Trophy will only be available until the end of May, and then you can never get one again. They are obtained by building a new casino.

Daily Slots have been completely overhauled and can now be played more than once per day! There is now a progressive jackpot that increases 100 chips with each spin of the daily slots (win the jackpot by getting 3 golden grasshoppers). There's also a new "grab bag" treasure chest symbol. If you hit this symbol, you will one of currently 12 new exclusive items that can only be obtained through the Daily Slots. In addition, after your first free spin each day, you can continue spinning for 2 Casino Points. That's not all though, everyone also now has a new item for their condo, a Daily Slot Machine! Everyone has received a red one for free, but there are several different colors that can be bought from the furniture menu as well.
The new Sci-Fi themed items are complete, which means there are 65 new items available for your casinos and crews!
There are 12 new wallpapers available for your casinos, condos and crews!
There are 5 new Roulette Table items available in multiple colors.
Items that are needed in your condo (such as a TV) are now put into groups, so you can sell your small TV if you have a big-screen on the floor already.
Fixed another rare bug that could cause poker tables to freeze.
Male basketball short's are once again available as a clothing option.
If there was a server restart during a poker tournament freeroll, away players wouldn't get removed after 15 minutes (now they do).
Fixed bug that would sometimes cause players to appear invisible when entering a building.
Fixed a few various pigeon pass bugs.
Fixed issue with removing items from vault sometimes causing "ghost items" that occupy tiles.
Fixed issue with janitor job paying out "null" chips when you leveled up too high.
When playing poker on an upper floor, the lower floor walls now redisplay correctly after leaving the poker table.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes "stick" casino games when trying to re-enter them immediately.
Traffic lights in Zone 3B0 are now placed correctly.