June 11, 2014
SALE: We are running a Casino Point Flash Sale for the next 24 hours! Everyone will get 20% extra Casino Points with every pack bought with Gold (click the green button at the top of the screen).
NOTICE: We will finally be turning on the effects of the environment ratings in about a week.

We've been working for several months on a total overhaul of the game's server system that allows the game to be seamlessly spread across multiple servers. This allows for several advantages, including scaling to many more concurrent players and the ability to move players to a new server if one server goes down, minimizing any potential downtime that we've fallen victim to in the past. This is a massive update, but if you notice any difference it is because there is a bug, so please report it.
For over a month we've also been working on a big overhaul to how text is displayed in the game to allow us to begin translating the game to more languages than just English. For now, the game is still just in English, and if everything is working correctly you shouldn't notice much of a difference if any. If you do, please report it as it is probably a bug.
Up until now we've been using CloudFlare to speed up the download of game files around the worlds. However, we've recently found that its raw speed is lacking, so we've moved to a new provider (Amazon), which should result in a significant improvement in download speed, especially when first loading the game or when loading after clearing cache.
There are 6 new items available, 3 of which are exclusive to the Daily Slots. The other 3 are some really great new beds for your condos.
There is a new tycoon mission for first time casino owners that shows you how to use the casino share feature.
There are a few new emotes that NPC's can show above their heads when visiting casinos.
We've made an update to better sync the game's redraw with your monitor's redraw, resulting in smoother animation and potentially a higher framerate on some computers.
The global and crew chat no longer clear out when the server restarts.
There are now hourly limits applied to Daily Slots in addition to the daily limits.
Disables the casino sharing window inside the Windows 8 App (Windows makes it difficult to share to networks from inside an app). If you'd like to share a screenshot of your casino, open it up inside of a browser until we can find a solution for in-app sharing.
Fixed an issue that would randomly cause Vault items to appear broken.
Fixed a few more issues with the environment rating.
Fixed a bug in the tracking of consecutive days leaderboard.
Fixed a few memory leaks in the Daily Slots.
Fixed bug with unrepairable items after removing them from the vault.
Make sure high roller notices don't stack up on top of each other.
Fix an issue that would sometimes cause errors when unlocking or winning an item.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause mass employee quitting unexpectedly.
The flying piggy bank now correctly registers when collected by another player within view.
Fixed a bug with the tycoon simulation that could cause customer counts to get off.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.