June 26, 2014
You can now sell your properties on the Real Estate Market! Simply visit any Real Estate Office and walk up to the table map in the center of the room to launch the market. You can then browser available listings or list your own lot for sale (if the lot has a casino, the casino and everything in it are sold with the lot).
There is a new action available within profiles: Invite to Condo. Clicking this on another player will send them an invite, which if accepted, will allow them to visit your condo through any apartment building elevator for the next 60 minutes.
There is now a "Battles" tab in the Crews window. This will display all currently running battles in real-time, allowing anyone to see the status of all battles.
11 new items are available for your casinos. 5 are new plants for outdoors and 6 are new Blackjack tables (4 of which are Daily Slot exclusives).
Players that join a crew during a battle, while a battle is pending, or while a challenge is out will not be able to participate in battle until the next battle.
Only allow withdrawing from battles within 6 hours of being challenged.
The fee for withdrawing has been increased from 25 to 50 Casino Points, and the bounty has gone up from 10% to 25%.
Items can now be rotated or sold even if they are in a position that can't be saved.
The level up animation has been redone so that it isn't so generic.
Status flags (such as the speed boost from some drinks) will now slowly withdraw to let you know how much time is left before it runs out.
Table item purchases at poker tables are now recorded in the chat log.
Fixed several different bugs with the lot editor.
Fixed a bug that could cause crew battles to start early in rare scenarios.
Prevents a flying piggy bank from being animated during a casino game.
The Mahogany Bars now serve drinks as well.
Purchasing wallpapers in crew buildings now comes out of the crew bank.
Fixed a few issues with Daily Slots caused by switching browser tabs.
Fixed some depth sorting issues in non-casino buildings.
Fixed a few more typos around the game.