August 13, 2014
Community Ambassador Applications: We are looking to add a few more CA's to the team, anyone can apply here: CA Application Form.

A native PC/Mac version of CasinoRPG is now available from the Desura store here: Download CasinoRPG on Desura.
Created a new zone naming system that should make much more sense and much easier to both know where you are and navigate the map. It now uses your standard directions, so if you are in Zone N1E2, you know that you are 1 zone to the north and 2 zones to the east.
Casinos now have unique addresses, which you can now type into taxis to travel directly to that casino! This will allow you to share your casino's address so that people can find your casino without issue. You can find your address by walking up to the door of your casino.
When spawning from your condo, you are now alerted as to what zone you just entered.
When clicking to walk, the location where your character is walking to now briefly highlights to make it more clear where you are headed (both inside and outside).
You can now challenge players to sprints while sitting at a blackjack, poker or roulette table. Click their avatar for various actions.
The tools provided to Community Ambassadors to keep the peace in chat and around the game have received an overhaul to make their job easier and more consistent.
In addition to an address being displayed, the name display outside of casinos has been improved visually.
Improved our Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm for better shuffling performance and the best possible simulation of real-world card shuffling.
Improved the stability of our database system to prevent hosting provider issues from causing outages in the game.
Added a fresh coat of polish to the new player tutorial.
When walking out of a building, you will now move one extra tile out so that the arrow to walk inside isn't showing.
Clicking the NPC staffing something like a bar, bank desk, etc now works the same as clicking on the item itself.
More live activity will now display around poker and blackjack tables.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause your character to show one tile over from where you were previously after a reload.
Extra time is now correctly applied to the Slots Addict 2 mission.
Various bug fixes and tweaks around the game.