August 19, 2014
Team balancing for crew wars has been completely overhauled. Instead of a completely automated system, we thought we'd leave it up to you, in a similar fashion to picking teams on the playground. The top 2 eligible crews will be selected as team leaders, and all other eligible crews will be placed on the temporary 'gray' team. The two team leaders then vote on the crews they want on their team (all members can vote). After 24 hours, a round-robin selection is made to select all teams, using ranking as a tie-breaker and for teams with 0 votes.
Level 20+ players that own a casino can now hire contract workers to promote their casinos. Simply go to the "Manage" menu inside your casino, purchase a contract, then go to any outdoor location and click on the contract to place the worker. You can rotate them, move them and change the casino they are promoting for 24 hours. In the future, more advanced contract workers will be added as well.
Poker Cash Games can now be created as either Chip or Casino Point tables (level 10+ only).
There is a new type of bar item available for purchase: Espresso Bar. Drinking from this bar can help to sober you up more quickly!
The scoring system for crews has now been reworked to take into account how competitive a battle was (more competitive battles get a bonus).
There will now be an alert at the top of the screen every 30 minutes during war showing the current scores.
Your monthly ranking now shows on your profile/homepage and on the notification center in the bottom left of the screen.
The rotate button is now disabled for items that can't be rotated.
Tweaked the size and position of several window elements that didn't look quite right on smaller screen resolutions.
Quick chat is now hidden while NPC alerts in the bottom left of the screen are showing.
The image of your casino is now shown in the new casino listing tab of the Real Estate Market.
Upgrading a casino now works much more smoothly on touch-screen devices.
The button to open the "Manage Properties" window has been changed from a location market to a smartphone. How else are you getting live updates on all of your casinos stats and instantly calling your personal driver?
The slots pay tables now display the correct values at all bet levels.
Team colors correctly get removed from crew listings at the end of war.
Fixed a missing address in a few zones.
Fixed an issue where mission giver icons would sometimes flicker.
The casino upgrade alert messages should now be displaying again.
Fixed an issue with saving audio settings after marking "Mute Effects."