November 18, 2014
There is now a button to undo last move in solitaire (won't allow you to undo a flipped over column card).
Anyone can now setup custom Casino Point poker SnG tournaments, just like with cash games.
When a sprint completes, the organizer of the sprint is presented with a popup that allows you to automatically reinvite the sprint group to play again. No need to leave the game and click on each person again!
When failing a casino game mission, a popup will now display asking if you'd like to retry the mission.
The path-finding system from players and NPCs has been improved to prevent you from walking through the corners of walls. It also takes much more inteligent paths to your destination, avoiding those annoying non-straight routes when walking past sidewalks, etc.
Casino Points won from slot spins now animate from the CP slot symbols rather than alongside the chips.
If you have typed a number into the auction bid input box when a new bid comes in, your number will only get reset if it is lower than the new minimum bid.
Made more updates to the server to improve network performance and help with some lag issues that some may have experienced.
Fixed an issue in slots that would sometimes cause XP to display incorrectly, making it appear as if your XP had dropped when leveling up (when it checked with the server, it saw you were out of sync and updated didn't actually lose any XP).
Fixed an issue in sprints that would sometimes visually show the wrong win amount.
Fixed a rare bug that could cause you to get stuck in a solitaire game.
Quickly paging through the crews list no longer causes them to overlap.
Fixed a few more missing addresses.