April 1, 2015

Edit: In case it wasn't obvious, April Fools!

The Mayor and his crew have been hard at work on a proposal for the city council to transform GoldFire City into the shining spectacle everyone always knew it could be. Today, we are pleased to announce that the proposal has passed with flying colors, and all streets city-wide have been paved with bricks of solid gold to fit the city's namesake!

There's one caveat -- gold is really expensive these days! So, starting tomorrow, all citizens will begin paying a 13.37% tax on all earnings for the remainder of the year to pay off the city's mounting debts. We believe this is a small price to pay for the privilege to live in such a glimmering world!

Oh, and one other unfortunate side-effect...gold tends to be quite reflective and has caused a significant increase in the average street-side temperatures. This has led to the city's population of flying piggy banks to quite literally fry. If you are a fan of bacon, maybe you don't consider this to be such an unfortunate event!