August 14, 2015
POKER BUG: We are aware of a rare bug in poker that miscalculates side pots when most of the table goes all in. We've been unable to reproduce the issue, so we need your help. We are logging lots of data about each hand, so if you see this bug, please submit a ticket with the hand number.

New crew battles and wars! We've been brainstorming and collecting all of your feedback for months, and now the wait is over:

  • Each crew/team member now has a scorecard that gives challenges and bonus challenges. Your score is now the sum of your high scores to those challenges (you can attempt each challenge as many times as you'd like). In wars, you'll be able to earn an all-new high score each day during the 3-day contest.

  • The new scorecard can be accessed quickly by clicking the green battle/war flag in the top left of the screen.

  • The scorecard also displays a live battle/war score display so you can get updated with less clicks.

  • Each scorecard challenge has a leaderboard to show the top 5 high scores from that battle/war.

  • Scoring is no longer an average, it is simply the sum of each player's scores.

  • To make viewing battle/war status even easier at all times, there is now a bar directly under the XP bar that updates in real-time with the relative scores of the battle/war.

  • In order to level the playing field, if a crew has more active players than the opponent, only the scores of the top scorers up to the number of active players on the smaller crew will count towards the team score.

  • Battle protection has now been done away with in favor of Battle Challenges. This means all crews by default are under protection for free (any remaining protection has been refunded to the crew banks).

  • When starting a battle, you no longer select the team to battle, that gets selected automatically based on your bet size and other parameters (as well as randomness mixed in).
The battle screen inside your crews now shows a log of past battle/war results. You can click on each entry to get a detailed look at the stats.
Crew rankings have been overhauled to have a better balance between past and present results.
Bombs will now drop a new type of reward: free daily slot spins.
The Daily Slot jackpot now resets at 50,000 chips instead of 5,000.
Clicking on the Daily Slot jackpot display now opens a jackpot history like with the other games.
Slots and Solitaire jackpots will now increase at a faster rate.
Slots, Poker, Solitaire, Roulette and Blackjack jackpots now start at 100,000 chips instead of 25,000.
Improve the odds of winning CP's in Daily Slot spins.
Hitting the enter key no longer randomly causes travel or the mini-map to display while in a casino game.
Fixed issue causing incorrect outdoor sounds to play randomly.
Fixed several audio issues in Safari.
NPC's no longer walk directly over street light poles.
The "ghost" pig and bomb pickup issue has been fixed.
Fixed a few issues with game settings not always saving.
Closing the Daily Slot Machine no longer causes a lag when it reaches the bottom of the screen.
A game disconnect right as a new slot spin is starting will no longer cause it to get stuck spinning infinitely.
Opening/closing your phone while at a table game no longer causes issues with quick chat.
Fixed an issue where some casinos in the corners of zones couldn't rotate.
Fixed a bug that caused visual glitches when wearing female black high-top shoes.
Fixed an issue that caused a few crashes of the game server of the last few weeks. Also improved our monitoring for issues like this.
The number in crew bank history is now correct after the first page.
Fixed an issue where a few medals weren't always getting awarded correctly.
The winnings chip stack in solitaire will no longer update unless it changes (it would flash sometimes).
Various performance improvements to both server and client.