August 25, 2017
This represents is the largest performance update since CasinoRPG was in beta testing! We re-thought and re-wrote big chunks of our game engine to improve RAM, CPU and power usage. While everyone should see an improvement, the difference should be most obvious on lower-end devices like phones, tablets, Chromebooks, etc. From our testing we've seen a performance improvement anywhere from 25-75% across the board. This update touches literally every aspect of the game, and as such, there are bound to be some visual glitches we missed in testing. Please submit tickets with any issues you see, no matter how big or small.
Players can now carry multiple party bombs at the same time. If you have multiple, a red counter will display on the bomb. When you set one off, the counter will go down and you can set the next one off in order. This also fixes issues with winning party bombs when you already have one from daily slots.
Added option to create poker cash games for 4 and 2 players.
You can now only signup for up to 5 poker tournaments at a time.
Rare issue in Jungle Slots that would cause your auto spins to reset after bonus spins.
Lot items now show the correct level when moved out of the vault.
Royal Flush jackpot is now correctly awarded in CP tournaments.
The counter showing the number of players in bingo now shows the correct number.
A few colors of the wall divider items were invisible.
Various issues with poker banking protection showing the wrong amount when trying to buy back in.
Refreshing the game before turning in a slot addict mission no longer causes it to fail.
Tweaked down the odds of gull attack power-ups in bingo.
Treasure chest display sometimes wouldn't show after reloading in bingo.
Rare issue that would sometimes prevent free daily spins from opening when picking up multiple from party bomb.
Dozens of other bug fixes around the game (mostly visual glitches in rare instances).