November 24, 2020
The item Auction House can now hold listings of multiple items and non-exclusive items. You can list up to 50 items in one listing, mixing any type of item (the number of breaks on items will be shown in the listing).
New search filters have been added to the listings and to the "new listing" view to make finding items easier.
Item auctions can now be canceled for a full fee refund within the first 6 hours of starting the listing if there have been no bids yet.
The ATM menu now provides options to citizens to purchase 10x or 20x party bombs at once (using a new dropdown quantity option).
Various adjustments and improvements to the spam filter in chat, mainly to minimize false-positives.
Issue that prevented the last crew war from starting without manual intervention.
Medals for days or hours played would sometimes not be awarded correctly.
Toggling sit in/sit out in poker now has a built-in delay to prevent spamming the button.
Various other client and server errors.