News & Updates

February 5, 2014
Jungle Slots! Our latest and greatest third slot theme is now available to play and place in your own casino.
Along with the jungle slots comes a whopping 42 new jungle themed items!
32 new indoor tiles are now available for your casinos and condos, including some new jungle-themed tiles.
New leaderboards! You can now track the rankings for: Roulette Rounds, Largest Slot Wins, Poker Winnings, Total Casino Profit and Current Consecutive Days.
The formula that calculates the score used in the monthly and all-time rankings has been completely recreated to give a better overall look at gameplay.
The timer on Roulette is now 25 seconds instead of 20.
Several Roulette bug fixes and tweaks.
Various other bug fixes.
February 3, 2014
Yes, the much anticipated fourth casino game is finally here - Roulette! Just go up to any roulette table to play (there is a new roulette table item that can be purchased for your casinos). This is a standard roulette game with one zero that seats up to 4 players at once. There is also a progressive jackpot.
The Bounty mission (first team party mission) can now be started more than once every reset period.
Other players will no longer appear to "teleport" randomly when walking around the map.
Fixed bug with bartenders not always staffing open bars.
Fixed a few more pigeon pass bugs.
Various other bugs and tweaks.
January 29, 2014
We now have our first team-based party mission: The Bounty! The premise is that some modern-day Robin Hoods thought it would be a good idea to raid a few of the local banks and spread the wealth. You are tasked with assembling a crack team to track down the lost chips. This is a race against time and wits as you must collect them before the other team! Check near local banks to find this mission giver.
There is now an option in Poker Cash Games to select a 6-player table rather than just the default of 9 players.
All casino game jackpots (Poker, Blackjack & Slots) now reset to 25,000 chips instead of 0 chips when someone wins.
Anyone banned from global chat will now also be banned from local chat as well.
Your casino managers will now longer spam you with alerts about extra garbage.
An error is no longer thrown when you are trying to list your only 25 Casino Points for sale.
Fixed issue with adding items to vault over your single casino limit.
Several other various bug fixes.
January 20, 2014
Poker Contest: The poker contest raffle winners have been announced: Winners List on Forums

We found a new compression method for our art and were able to decrease the size of the game files by over 4MB to help further improve initial load times!
This release takes us another step closer to releasing new clothing options, as most of the new system is now in place. Again, this is all behind-the-scenes stuff.
Made a few visual tweaks to the casino door so you can now see the handles and it is slightly less transparent so it is easier to spot for new players.
Moved the main game server to a fresh new server with upgrades to the behind-the-scenes systems.
Fixed the spinning jukebox issue.
Fixed a few poker issues related to rebuys and auto top ups.
Auto top-up in poker will now correctly top you up to your original buy-in if it is below the max buy-in.
Fixed a few issues with the loading screen transition when customizing your character.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
January 17, 2014
Feedback: As you know, we are always looking for more feedback from our players. However, we are interested in something specific right now and would like your feedback in this forum post.

Poker Auto Top-Up is now an option under the Auto Rebuy checkbox at cash games. If you check this option, you will automatically rebuy up to the amount that you bought into the table whenever you go below that amount.
Fixed an issue with the Casino Points "More" button that sometimes disabled it while doing missions or other activities.
An update yesterday broke the ability to sit at a poker SnG, which is now fixed.
Fixed a bug that could cause multiple condo items to be removed from the vault when just removing the one.
Various other bug fixes.
January 16, 2014
Upper levels of casinos are now differentiated by their outside surroundings. You can now see a representation of the floors below extending beneath the floor you are currently on. The colors that each floor shows are pulled from the wall color of the corresponding floor.
Condos are no longer floating in the vast darkness of space, as you can now see the hall out and some other details outside of your door!
The background scenery on the first floor of casinos has been tweaked.
The special pieces of garbage that periodically show up in your casino and need your attention will now show up a little less frequently.
In addition to the frequency tweak on the special garbage, there is now greater variance in what you find, so sometimes you get hit it big in someone's left behind backpack...or toxic sludge!
We've got so many character customizations (nearly 4 million pre-rendered images for all of the combinations) that we are having to create a new on-demand system before we can introduce more clothing styles. This release has the first part of that update (this won't affect anything that you can see right now).
When experiencing network latency, it was possible to double bet in poker by holding down the hotkey. This is now prevented.
Fixed a Blackjack bug that would sometimes make it think that there was only one player at the poker table, causing the dealer to not hit when one of the players busted.
Fixed a bug with the main UI that sometimes caused it to shift over on window resize.
January 14, 2014
You can now change your avatar from the default ghost! Simply head to your GoldFire Network user settings page to select an avatar from another game or upload a custom avatar.
What used to simply be "Volume Controls" is now "Game Settings" in the main menu.
You now have the option to hide the global chat display that shows on the left of the screen. This is now an option that you can turn on/off in the new Game Settings window. The chat icon at the top will still update with the blue dot when new messages are received.
The Blackjack animations have been smoothed out when the dealer gets Blackjack, especially at a full table.
When the dealer gets Blackjack, the player bets no longer animate to the dealer until the dealer's full hand has been shown as having a Blackjack.
Fixed a few issues with how chips are updated while playing slots, which was causing a few errors with chips display getting out of sync.
Several bug fixes with the new Poker and Blackjack party missions.
Slight performance improvement when buildings are "ghosted" while playing the chip race missions.
Double-clicking when joining a poker table will no longer take multiple buy-ins from your stack.
Fixed several errors caused by animations at the Blackjack table while leaving.
Party mission ties in Blackjack now display the correct chip winnings.
Fixed party mission bug resulting in incorrect bet limits being enforced.
When a Community Ambassador deletes a global chat message, it will now also be removed from the quick chat display.
January 13, 2014
Blackjack party missions! The Blackjack party mission will work very similar to the Slots Sprint (with the exact same betting/inviting flow), but the main difference being that there is a maximum of 5 participants, and you must be at the same Blackjack table. When the party mission is started, a special mission-only table will be created and you will automatically be taken to it when going to a blackjack table (so, you don't have to be at the same table in physical space).
Blackjack can't have all the fun, so we are also releasing a Poker party mission in this update! This also works similar to the other two party missions, but you are able to play at any poker table to compete. The points you earn to your mission score are weighted based on the number of players you are playing with to keep it fair, and better winning hands earn more points.
Vault upgrades now take into account the number of open casinos you have, so the storage values for chips and items are now per open casino rather than overall. Everything else works the same, so you can still collect from one central location. We've also tweaked the item storage amount upwards for most vault tiers.
We've made some upgrades to the manufacturing facilities in GoldFire City. Higher quality materials means your casino items won't break quite as frequently.
Poker table chip transfers no longer count towards your profile's poker stats.
Profiles no longer show beneath global chat when opening them.
Auto action checkboxes on poker tables are now reset at the start of each hand to guarantee that a previously checked action won't accidentally slip through to the next hand.
January 10, 2014
The game has a new loading screen that showcases more of Lane's amazing art (if you are seeing something that looks odd, try clearing your cache)!
Window management now works much better to avoid flickering windows. The newest window that you open will now always appear on top (yes, this means you can open the global chat while you have the poker lobby open).
The depth sorting for the table chat in Blackjack now works correctly.
Fix a slew of poker bugs caused by yesterday's updates.
Various other bugs and tweaks.
January 9, 2014
Added a button to Blackjack to double your previous bet. You can also click "D" on your keyboard to double the previous bet.
You can now withdraw from a poker tournament for a full refund up to 30 minutes before it starts.
Leaving a poker Cash Game now remembers your stack size for 15 minutes, which then becomes your minimum buy-in if you try to go back to this table during that period.
If you are at a Blackjack table by yourself, the dealer will no longer hit when the player busts.
The free Daily Slots have receive an upwards tweak in odds.
The customers and capacity graphs now show the actual value for each in your casino profit breakdown.
Fix a poker bug that would randomly kick players from cash games in the middle of hands.
A few updates to the server to improve network latency by sending less network requests.
Fix bug in poker that would sometimes cause the screen to "break" and duplicate all over the screen.
The rare issue in poker that would show your previous cards for the next hand should no longer happen.
Fix visual bug that made it look like you hadn't sat back in a poker table from being away when you really had.
A poker issue that would sometimes flash your new cards before they were dealt is now fixed.
Away players will no longer receive Casino Points during poker tournaments.
Experience is now awarded correctly for all poker hands.
The 5,000 chip max poker rake limit is now correctly enforced.
A few fixes to the table switching flow that should fix rare issues that caused the new table to not work for some players.
Make sure all cards get removed from a poker tournament table when a player gets knocked out.
An issue in the latest version of Google Chrome started causing some loading screens to freeze, this should no longer be an issue.
Clicking a drop-down menu button while in your condo or a casino will no longer activate the screen panning.
The name of a casino/lot now gets reset when it is reclaimed by the Real Estate Office.
Fixed an issue in the tutorial that could cause players coming back to the game after a few months to get stuck.
Casinos that are getting ready to foreclose now shut their doors 24 hours prior in order to prevent several rare bugs.