News & Updates

March 20, 2014
New mission giver! You were probably wondering where the Roulette missions are now that we've got a Roulette Sprint. Well, now there is one hanging out in a city square near you.
The first version of the spawning system we've been talking about for a while is in this release. This is still a basic version of it, but it will start to spread more experienced players out into the world. By default, players that don't yet have a building permit will spawn from their condo to the 0A0 square, but everyone else will have spawn points randomly, yet intelligently selected each time you leave your condo. The basic idea is to spread players around the game world, but to still attempt to cluster groups of players so that you don't get dropped in an empty zone. We've got plans to make this even more intelligent in the future, but would love to hear your ideas to improve the system.
Tweak the 3D audio inside and outside to make the world feel more spread out.
Only play music in casinos if the casino is not open to the public.
If a casino floor is open but has nothing in it, still only play music.
Casino ambiance sounds are now more intelligent. Slots sounds will only play if there are slot machines on the floor. Table game sounds will only play if there are table games on the floor.
You can now see the scores of all participating crew members in crew battles, not just the top 5.
Fixed another bug that was showing cards that shouldn't be shown (they were actually from a different poker table).
Sometimes inside casino sounds would fail to stop playing when going outside.
Sometimes loading into the city from outside would prevent inside sounds from playing.
Fix an issue with mini-map panning getting stuck sometimes.
Fix a bug with mission completions that was causing various odd bugs and prevented some players from finishing their building permit mission.
The poker bet/raise slider no longer shows behind any player avatars.
The empty space underneath editor menu tabs no longer blocks clicks, which was causing issues with placing items, painting tiles, etc.
March 18, 2014
POKER RACE: We have a new contest with lots of Casino Points up for grabs! This contest will run for the next 6 weeks and is all about playing poker (as you probably guessed). Get all of the details by clicking the contest icon next to your Casino Points display.
REMINDER: The St. Patrick's Day special ends this Friday, which will be your last chance to get the limited edition Lucky Poker Table item! Click on the green clover icon next to your Casino Points for details.

You've got sprints for slots, poker and blackjack, and now you've got them for roulette! Remember, to start a new sprint, simply click on another player and click the challenge button (the one with the dice).
There is a new, alternate 4-star casino design available.
The art for the original 1-star casino has been updated.
The Real Estate Office now tells you which directions a building can face on a lot before you purchase it.
Crew battle timers are now displayed with more exact times.
Crew battle stats now show the percent so that there is no confusion.
Various small performance tweaks around the game.
The Poker Casino Points Raffle is now only available to players on public cash games.
Possibly fixed a bug that in rare cases showed a player's cards too early (please keep reporting this if it keeps happening).
Editing of crew lot now works again.
Editing of inside of crew buildings by other members of the crew now works again.
Fixed bug that would cause you to get stuck on 99% loading after reloading inside of a crew building.
Lots of various bug fixes and tweaks with the mission system.
Fixed several issues with reset times on repeatable missions.
The 'splash' animation now displays correctly when purchasing a lot.
Fixed issue that caused a lot of lag for 5-10 minutes after new game updates.
Missions that award items are now correctly showing those items as rewards again.
Fixed issue when entering/exiting lot editor that would sometimes cause world objects to pop in slowly.
Fixed issue with Windows Store App that would sometimes cause players to show as online when they had exited the app.
Crew roles now correctly update in real-time when a crew leader updates another member.
Increase wall height by 1 pixel so that it matches up correctly with outside walls.
Fixed two visual bugs on the map.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
March 13, 2014
Failed missions now start their fail timer when expected.
Several UI elements such as the main drop-down menu are now working correctly on touch screens.
Fixed bug where slot bonus spins weren't visually shown if your chip count was low.
Fixed issues with the walls in crew buildings and with the placement of the crew building name/floor name.
Made poker dealer chat more efficient in the database to improve performance.
Fixed issue with missing casino/floor name on 4th floors.
Some NPC's were being generated without bodies in new zones, which should now be fixed.
Sometimes leaving a building would leave parts of the world un-rendered, which should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue with the "Best Time" display in chip races.
Mission progress boxes are now hidden while working jobs.
March 12, 2014
St. Patrick's Day 2014: You have probably noticed that the citizens of GoldFire City have been getting festive again, with lots of green everywhere! In addition, from now until March 21, 2014 @ 11:59 PM CDT, for every 100 Gold that you purchase, you will get a limited edition Lucky Poker Table item (yes, this does mean that, for example, a single purchase of 500 Gold gets you 5 limited edition items)!

In addition to our already released Google Chrome Web Store app, we now have an app in the Windows 8 Store! You can get it for free (we appreciate ratings as well) right here.
Tired of clicking all over the place while walking around outside? Good news, there is now an alternate way to walk: simply hold your mouse down in the direction that you want to walk and you will keep walking that direction until you stop holding the mouse down.
Grand opening signs will now show over your casino's door for the first 7 days after it has been opened.
The walls have been redone to facilitate an upcoming release. For now you won't see any difference, but there will be a lot more variety in the near future.
A few various performance tweaks.
Players will no longer look like they are flying in front of buildings if they disconnect right when entering a building.
The price of sold items now correctly takes into account all of their upgrades.
Crew buildings are now open by default so that anyone can go inside and see your creations. We plan on adding an option in the future to make them private.
Some players were seeing incorrect data about janitor jobs, which should now be fixed.
Upgrading from a 3-star with an alternate design to a 4-star now works as expected.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause "dead bodies" to appear outside while you were in your condo.
If you check the pre-turn checkbox to auto call within a few seconds of your turn, a confirmation dialog will no popup to confirm that you actually wanted to call that value.
The countdown warning sound for poker, blackjack and roulette now only plays on your own turn.
The south-facing green Jungle Slots item has had its animation corrected.
Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented job information on the job board from updating until you reloaded.
Fixed a bug that would break the game if you joined a poker table, left and then tried to rejoin immediately.
March 10, 2014
You now have the ability to renovate your casino buildings to use a new design! So far we've finished the alternate building designs for the 1, 2 and 3 star casinos, but the 4 and 5 star casinos will be coming soon. To update your building, simply go to edit your lot and click the next/prev buttons, then renovate! This is free right now, but it may come with a cost/time in the future.
The manage properties window has been completely revamped to show lots of new information about your casinos in a much more eye-pleasing layout (casino type, profit, status, etc).
There are now twice as many AI characters walking around the world and visiting casinos.
AI characters will now talk when in casinos, giving insights into how well a casino is performing and how they are doing when playing games.
AI characters can now also play all casino games and do other activities in casinos other than just slots.
The position of the bet and rebet buttons in Blackjack have been switched.
There is now a warning sound for the last 5 seconds of a countdown when playing poker, blackjack or roulette.
Fixed a bug in poker transfer that prevented it from working sometimes.
When you close modals with the 'x' button, it sometimes caused issues with the screen panning inside casinos.
March 5, 2014
New job: Entertainer! You can unlock this job game by reaching level 10 as a Bartender. As an entertainer, you will be a performer on stage throwing cards at targets in various configurations. Be careful not to hit your lovely assistant or you'll lose points!
There is now a min bet button to go along with the max bet button on slot machines. If you currently have the max bet set, the button will change to min bet.
The difficulty of the bartender job has been re-balanced.
Improved the on-boarding flow for new users.
The always-present bug of the stuck pigeon should be fixed now.
The murder mystery and mail pickup missions will no longer generate invisible NPC's.
The mini-map will no longer break if you expand it while walking up to a taxi.
Fixed a bug preventing you from purchasing a crew building even when your crew had enough funds.
Chat messages will no longer bunch up when you first open chat and scroll up.
Crews that aren't level 5 are now correctly hidden from the battle list.
Fixed the mouse-pan bug that sometimes caused the screen to go "crazy" while walking outside.
Poker dealer/player chat no longer gets overlapped by player avatars when expanded.
Fixed a bug with display of crew rankings.
Fixed several server errors that were causing crashes.
February 26, 2014
There's a new way to earn Casino Points while playing poker: Poker Cash Game Raffle. How it works, is that every 15 minutes, any player that has been at a cash game for 10+ minutes and is actively playing will be entered into a drawing to win 25 Casino Points. One player will be selected from this group at random and announced globally as the winner. Good luck!
We've added a new poker tournament, but this one has a Casino Point buy-in with big chip prizes: Bi-Daily 25 CP Turbo. You'll start to see this one scheduled later today and tomorrow.
Closed a loophole in the Roulette jackpot. You can no longer win the jackpot if you are playing zero-sum bets (for example, betting on red and black or odd and even).
Fixed bug introduced with crews that prevented new floors from being built in casinos.
Roulette now correctly restarts after a server restart.
Scrolling up and down in crew chat now works.
Only those with crew "member" permissions are able to invite other crew members.
Fixed a bug with the deduction of taxi fares.
Clicking the "cancel" button while editing a floor will no longer break the screen panning.
Fixed the inception bug that allowed you to play CasinoRPG inside of CasinoRPG from the news screen.
Prevent crew bank deposits of 0 chips/casino points.
Fixed a rare poker tournament bug that could have caused issues when switching between tables.
Getting a 21 on a blackjack split now correctly auto stands.
A rare bug could cause ghosting of players in blackjack, which should now be fixed.
Fixed bug in sprint party missions that could have prevented your stats from visually updating.
Pre-select the correct crew logo on the settings screen.
If you don't select a crew description, prevent the placeholder text from being saved as your description.
February 25, 2014
If you are interested in hearing about some of the vision we've got for the future, be sure to check out the TED talk that James gave recently about the power of truly social games.

Crews! This is a feature similar to guilds in other MMO's, where you can form a crew, team up with friends and challenge other crews to gambling battles. Crews can also get upgrades like XP and casino bonuses. You can also purchase a crew lot and build a Crew Hall where your members can hang out, meet and show off. Your crew name will show over your character, on your profile and in global chat.
Global chat has been updated to add a new tab for crew chat. This is chat that can only be seen with others in your crew. You can chat in crew chat by going to the tab, or typing "/c" before your message.
The client now checks with the server that it is running the latest version of the game and notifies you if you are out of date. This will be especially useful when we push out new updates, as you'll get an instant notification of the new version.
The following medals are now awarding correctly: Millionaire, Elevator Music, 90 Hours Played.
Fixed several issues from this past weekend that were causing server crashes and other various issues.
February 18, 2014
CONTEST UPDATE: Due to the below mentioned bug that has now been fixed, we've extended the referral contest by a week.

Bartender Job: This new job is unlocked once you reach level 10 janitor status. You access this job the same way as the janitor job. Get ready to mix drinks for the onslaught of casino patrons and see if you can get a new high score!
Fix bug that was causing share links to not always load your casino floor correctly.
Fix bug in Roulette that would sometimes cause 2 spins to happen simultaneously if a player left at the same instant that the first spin was starting.
Purchasing a casino/condo item now updates the status of other items based on your updated chips/casino point totals.
Fix a few bugs with slots.
Fix a bug in that caused by scrolling too quickly.
February 8, 2014

NEW CONTEST: For the next month we'll be running a referral contest with some big prizes. We've made it incredibly easy to participate and win, so get all all of the details by clicking the contest icon in-game (to the right of the Casino Points display) and by going to this forum post.

53 new character customization options are now available (there's even a ninja outfit)!
In preparation for upcoming jobs, we've created a "job board" that lets you access all of your jobs and see an overview of stats for all of them. You currently access this the same way you access the janitor job (by clicking on the mop bucket in your condo).
There are now keyboard shortcuts for the Yes (y) and No (no) buttons when selecting what to do about insurance in Blackjack.
Fixed a bug in Roulette that threw an error saying you didn't have enough chips when you had only the amount for one max bet.
Adding/removing friends from the profile inside CasinoRPG now works correctly.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause world objects to visually disappear (such as flower beds in parks).
Several bugs relating to Roulette jackpots have been squashed.
Updated our audio engine to fix some cross-browser issues.
Repositioned an out of place fire hydrant and manhole.
Prevent the taxi window from being cut off on smaller screens.
Leaving BJ/Roulette on an upper floor no longer causes the outside walls/lower floors to disappear.
Various bug fixes for sprint party missions.
Various bug fixes and tweaks with the new slots.