News & Updates
April 7, 2022
EASTER PROMO: GoldFire City is fully decorated for the season and we have 6 exciting limited edition items! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after April 22 by clicking on the egg icon at the top of the game screen.
EASTER EGG HUNT 2022: It wouldn't be Easter without a massive Easter Egg Hunt! Click on the basket icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a limited edition Egg Hunt 2022 Trophy item!
EASTER EGG HUNT 2022: It wouldn't be Easter without a massive Easter Egg Hunt! Click on the basket icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a limited edition Egg Hunt 2022 Trophy item!
Upgraded all of our servers to brand new AMD EPYC servers with 2-2.5x the performance of our old servers.
Adjustments and improvements to the new player tutorials/missions.
Prevent duplicate "upgrade complete" notifications from being sent when a server restarts.
Some players wouldn't get added to the party chat for poker tournaments.
Remove from party chat if withdrawing from the poker tournament or if the poker tournament doesn't start.
Lot items should now have the same behavior as casino items when selecting them in the editor.
Various other fixes with item movement in the editor.
Adjusted the sizing of click areas for doorways to help prevent accidental clicks.
Prevent the path of green dots from getting stuck when doing missions for a certain hidden... bushy figure.
Various other error fixes that could cause different issues.
April 1, 2022
Using my power of The Mayoral Office of GoldFire City, I hereby issue an emergency notice to all citizens city-wide. The unthinkable has happened -- the entire city's gone nuts! Squirrels are arriving on our streets in droves. Likely the work madman Kaeto, often called The Shark, and his band of thugs -- they've been spotted spreading acorns around our once peaceful parks. These squirrels may look fluffy and friendly, but let me be the first to tell you that they are rabid killing machines. Keep your distance, and whatever you do, don't let them follow you into a casino or your own home! We once beat an infestation of pigeons, and we'll beat this plague too.

March 15, 2022
Moving items on floors is now easier with a single drag action rather than needing to select the item with a click first.
Various editor improvement on mobile/small screens.
Trying to use the Games menu from a poker table would get the game stuck.
Using the driver, taxi or edit lot functions while in a casino game would get stuck.
The Casinos app now looks better on mobile/small screens.
In rare instances, an auction result could be awarded twice, and then the duplicate item would vanish when placing it on a floor.
Disabled the casino metrics chart animations, which were causing performance issues on some computers/phones.
Incorrect mission progress UIs were sometimes showing in casino games or other areas they shouldn't.
Various instances that could lead to landing at the back of a casino when traveling.
Adding multiple announcements to a crew chat could cause crew chat to get stuck/go invisible.
Certain lot/casino items could sometimes visually vanish after saving changes.
Added error handling that can help prevent items from vanishing when vaulting them.
Various other mobile/small screen visual issues.
Various fixes and improvement to new player tutorials.
February 5, 2022
WINTER OLYMPICS PROMO: With the Winter Olympics getting under way, we have a set of 6 new limited edition Winter Olympics-themed items! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after February 21 by clicking on the Olympic rings icon at the top of the game screen.
OLYMPICS MEDAL RACE: GoldFire City is playing host to the Winter Olympics! Can you take home the gold? Click on the medal icon next to the Olympic rings to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Olympics Medal Race Trophy item!
OLYMPICS MEDAL RACE: GoldFire City is playing host to the Winter Olympics! Can you take home the gold? Click on the medal icon next to the Olympic rings to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Olympics Medal Race Trophy item!
Mission giver locations are now visible anywhere you scroll on the mini-map, not just in the immediate area around where you are currently standing.
Added game setting to toggle party chat on/off.
When setting a waypoint or auto walking to some location, if the destination is more than a zone away, it will adjust the path to the nearest taxi instead.
Random chip pickups spawned around the world are now more frequent and give more chips.
Front doors to buildings are now disabled while participating in Chip Race and Mail Rush missions.
Adjusted the display of broken down casino games to be more obvious which are broken when entering someone else's casino.
Improved scaling of poker lobby at different resolutions.
Players entering non-casino floors (like the real estate office) now correctly use the front door when viewed by other players.
Various fixes and improvements to new player tutorials.
Casino games can now be played in a casino that you have just opened without needing to first reload.
Casinos purchased from the market would sometimes bombard you with popup notifications when entering the floors.
Various other error and bug fixes.
December 20, 2021
HOLIDAY PROMO: The city is decked out for the holiday season and we have 6 exciting limited edition items available! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after January 6 by clicking on the snowflake icon at the top of the game screen.
UNBEARD THE SHARK 2021: The city is in need of everyone's help solving a mystery that could ruin this most joyous time of year! Click on the Santa Hat icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Unbeard the Shark Trophy item!
UNBEARD THE SHARK 2021: The city is in need of everyone's help solving a mystery that could ruin this most joyous time of year! Click on the Santa Hat icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Unbeard the Shark Trophy item!
When a poker tournament starts, all players in that tournament are now added to party chat.
Clicking on a mission giver in the mini-map now gives a driver/taxi/walk to button.
The clickable door area on casinos has been adjusted to be easier and more intuitive to access.
Pulsing mission target indicators on the mini-map are now more obvious.
Allow making indoor wall colors slightly darker in the editor.
When returning to the real estate market after visiting a lot, the previous page, filters, etc will be restored.
NPCs were incorrectly avoiding most hotel floors (it could take up to a day for them to start showing up in your hotels).
Further performance improvements related to Party Bombs.
Reloading right after taking a taxi would cause you to start back where you were before traveling.
Players traveling by taxi wouldn't always sync up and appear to other players near where they traveled.
Your own username would sometimes show anonymized to yourself when placing a bid at an auction.
The mini-map would appear black when trying to take a screenshot of it with the in-game camera feature.
Various scaling issues in the editor on mobile or smaller computer screens.
The "muck cards" checkbox is no longer covered up by a poker mission box.
Various scaling adjustments to poker UI on mobile.
The mission progress bar would show misaligned on mobile.
Selecting a favorite from a taxi would sometimes take you to the location you were already standing.
The max vault items wouldn't always show the correct value.
The favorites button would sometimes be missing from the mini-map.
Clicking on building addresses in global chat would sometimes take you to the back of the building.
Phrases over NPCs walking around on your casino floor are now hidden while the editor is open.
Some tiles on certain lots were unable to change the tile or place items on them.
The daily limit for gifting items now correctly resets at midnight with everything else.
Various fixes and improvements to the new player experience.
Various other fixes and tweaks.
October 26, 2021
HALLOWEEN PROMO: The city is decked out for this spooky time of year, and we have 6 incredible limited edition Halloween items to celebrate! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after November 10 by clicking on the pumpkin icon at the top of the game screen.
TRICK-OR-TREAT 2021: When the ghosts and ghouls start roaming the streets, you know what that means! Click on the candy icon next to the promo icon to see the trick-or-treat progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Trick-or-Treat 2021 Trophy item!
TRICK-OR-TREAT 2021: When the ghosts and ghouls start roaming the streets, you know what that means! Click on the candy icon next to the promo icon to see the trick-or-treat progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Trick-or-Treat 2021 Trophy item!
Significantly improve performance when entering a floor/area with lots of players (for example, a bomb party).
Audio for party bombs is now 3D so that it'll get quieter the further away you get when outside.
Various adjustments to the mini-map interface to be easier to use.
Added a new icon to the top right of the mini-map that centers the map on your current location after dragging the map.
The last 100 jackpot winners are now shown for each game.
New players must now view and accept chat rules before getting access to post.
Speed up auto scratch function on scratchers.
Taking a driver/taxi could sometimes lead to a stuck black screen or falling off the edge of the world.
Taking a taxi to a favorite location would sometimes end up at the back of the building.
The mini-map would sometimes get stuck when searching for an address.
Various editor issues related to dragging items or accepting item changes.
Moving an item from your vault and then back during the same edit session could cause the item to vanish until reloading.
Dragging on the floor would sometimes get stuck when trying to sell an item from the condo editor.
Some non-hotel items would show when filtering the vault by hotel items.
Prevent opening duplicates of the same repair modal.
Various errors that could cause the server to incorrectly block your connection to the game temporarily, causing certain game functionality to randomly stop working.
Various fixes and improvements to the new player tutorials.
September 23, 2021
HUNTING & FISHING DAY PROMO: Are you a hunting and/or fishing fan? Hunting & Fishing Day is for you! On Saturday, September 25, we'll be celebrating with an exciting new limited edition item. We'll release a batch of 125 of the item every 2 hours throughout the day so every timezone gets a chance. These are on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of 5 per person, per batch.
The ability to change the color of your casinos has been long-requested, but due to technical limitations it was never possible. That all changes with this update! Simply visit your lot editor and go to the new "Paint" tab, which gives you the ability to change the hue and saturation of your casino, allowing for a huge range of new styles.
Moving items from the vault and buying new items are now auto accepted when placed, the same as moving an item around on the floor. This reduces clicks when designing floors, and you can always cancel the item move/purchase by clicking it again and clicking the red "x" button or re-vaulting.
Significantly improved the ability to search the mini-map by casino name (this already existed, but it usually wouldn't take you to the casino you were actually searching for).
Walking speed has been slightly increased.
Increased odds of random pickups spawning around the city.
Added more taxis to some zones that had too few in certain areas.
Bidder usernames now correctly remain anonymous when the auction window live updates.
Lots more fixes and improvements to the new player tutorials.
The Mail Pickup mission was giving too few XP for higher level players.
August 20, 2021
Added a new Black & White Solitaire Table exclusive item that can only be obtained through Party Bombs or Daily Slots.
Added a new black and white color option for the lottery machine, which can be purchased from the editor.
The game/chat rules have received some updates/clarifications. You can read them here.
More minor tweaks have been made to the monthly ranking formula, which will go into effect in September. The same basic formula applies, but the weighting of some of the elements have been adjusted. Some information about the general idea behind the new formula can be found in the game guide.
Like on eBay, the bidders on item/casino auctions are now anonymized. A random "name" will be assigned to each bidder on each auction, so you can see if the same person has outbid you, but you can't see who they are.
Casinos purchased by new players who never come back after their first day now skip foreclosure auctions and are demolished and returned to the Real Estate Office after 3 months instead of 6 months. If you are watching one of these, you'll get a notification the same way as any other.
Increased chip payouts on job shifts.
Further improvements to the new player experience to better teach the tycoon side of the game.
In rare instances, it was possible to get randomly booted from a poker table while actively playing after having disconnected or reloaded a few minutes prior.
When quickly spinning, the slot spin sound wouldn't always play.
Sometimes when dragging a modal window that has an input box, typing in the input would no longer work.
Leveling up twice in a row could cause the level up popup to never show.
Various issues related to chip/casino point totals getting out of sync on the client in rare cases.
Some casinos bought from foreclosure auctions appeared to be open, but their tycoon simulation was disabled and unable to be turned back on.
Various bugs and issues found during early gameplay.
July 23, 2021
SUMMER OLYMPICS PROMO: With the Summer Olympics getting under way, we have a set of 6 new limited edition Summer Olympics-themed items! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after August 7 by clicking on the Olympic rings icon at the top of the game screen.
OLYMPICS MEDAL RACE: GoldFire City is playing host to the Summer Olympics! Can you take home the gold? Click on the medal icon next to the Olympic rings to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Olympics Medal Race Trophy item!
OLYMPICS MEDAL RACE: GoldFire City is playing host to the Summer Olympics! Can you take home the gold? Click on the medal icon next to the Olympic rings to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Olympics Medal Race Trophy item!
Starting in August, a new formula will be used to calculate Overall Monthly Rankings. The new formula is intended to be a better all-around measurement and no longer factors chip gains/losses into the score (but it does factor in a variety of other metrics).
Dragging an already-placed item on a floor/lot no longer requires an extra click on the accept button.
Searching the Real Estate Market by address is now supported.
Non-citizens now have a "walk to" or "find taxi" button in place of the "driver" button on the mini-map.
Background music now gets faded out while playing slots.
The Environment details window now has a help button like the other editor stats.
The editor could sometimes allow placing an item in an illegal position, which the server would correctly reject and then it would appear as if your change had been reverted when next visiting the floor. The editor now does a better job of catching this before it reaches the server.
The editor panel could sometimes get detached from the bottom of the screen.
Clicking in the few pixels between the two doors on the first floor of a casino now registers as leaving the casino.
The item upgrade modal now correctly checks if you can afford an upgrade before letting you apply it.
Issues when displaying multiple pages of live battles.
The Bartender job mini-game has been further tweaked to fix difficulty issues.
Video Poker winnings now display for a more reasonable amount of time.
Searching for "Nameless Gambling Den" now works like any other casino name.
Various other quality-of-life fixes and improvements.
Various other fixes and tweaks.
June 17, 2021
Added 21 new hotel items in the wellness amenity category.
All numeric inputs (auction house, casino market, casino points market, etc) now show comma separators to make it more clear what you are entering.
New community event trophies for solitaire and roulette will now be available moving forward.
Keyboard movement would sometimes randomly stop working for some keys.
Various other adjustments and fixes to keyboard movement.
Various fixes with party bomb items due to the prior performance improvements.
Sorting wasn't consistent on each page of the foreclosure auctions, which caused some to appear to go missing.
A similar sorting issue was present in the Casino Points market.
Taking the taxi to some buildings would take you to the back of the building.
Casino games, ATMs, etc would sometimes stop being functional after selling items from the editor.
Error at end of war prevented some players from getting their trophy.
Some casinos that didn't sell at auction would get stuck in the placeholder account.
Daily scratcher limits now reset at midnight with everything else, regardless of daylight savings.
The games menu is now hidden until after your daily spin on mobile to prevent conflicts.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.