News & Updates

June 26, 2014
You can now sell your properties on the Real Estate Market! Simply visit any Real Estate Office and walk up to the table map in the center of the room to launch the market. You can then browser available listings or list your own lot for sale (if the lot has a casino, the casino and everything in it are sold with the lot).
There is a new action available within profiles: Invite to Condo. Clicking this on another player will send them an invite, which if accepted, will allow them to visit your condo through any apartment building elevator for the next 60 minutes.
There is now a "Battles" tab in the Crews window. This will display all currently running battles in real-time, allowing anyone to see the status of all battles.
11 new items are available for your casinos. 5 are new plants for outdoors and 6 are new Blackjack tables (4 of which are Daily Slot exclusives).
Players that join a crew during a battle, while a battle is pending, or while a challenge is out will not be able to participate in battle until the next battle.
Only allow withdrawing from battles within 6 hours of being challenged.
The fee for withdrawing has been increased from 25 to 50 Casino Points, and the bounty has gone up from 10% to 25%.
Items can now be rotated or sold even if they are in a position that can't be saved.
The level up animation has been redone so that it isn't so generic.
Status flags (such as the speed boost from some drinks) will now slowly withdraw to let you know how much time is left before it runs out.
Table item purchases at poker tables are now recorded in the chat log.
Fixed several different bugs with the lot editor.
Fixed a bug that could cause crew battles to start early in rare scenarios.
Prevents a flying piggy bank from being animated during a casino game.
The Mahogany Bars now serve drinks as well.
Purchasing wallpapers in crew buildings now comes out of the crew bank.
Fixed a few issues with Daily Slots caused by switching browser tabs.
Fixed some depth sorting issues in non-casino buildings.
Fixed a few more typos around the game.
June 23, 2014
You've been asking for it, and now you've got it -- the bank is open for business! You can now walk into any bank around the city just like with casinos, apartment buildings, real estate offices, etc. There's a lot of great new art to make these floors possible.
The first function to be enabled within the banks is the Auction House. Just go up to the front desk in any bank to access it. The Auction House allows you to buy and sell limited edition items with other players.
Certain gameplay events such as leveling up and winning jackpots can now be seen by nearby players with some cool new emoticon animations.
There's a whole set of new emoticons that NPC's can display while visiting casinos.
The bars at all of your casinos can now be used by your patrons! Different bars will serve different drinks that will give you different types of boosts. But be careful, don't drink too much or you might have a hard time getting around!
Table items are now available for purchase and gifting on all table games. Simply click on your or another player's avatar at the table, then click "GIFT ITEM" to purchase. This feature is launching with 27 different items to enjoy!
There is also a new function available in the apartment buildings! Simply go up to the front desk and you'll be presented with a list of your most recently active GoldFire Network friends. There is also a search back that lets you enter any username to open their profile.
Fixed issue with poker tournaments sometimes not merging correctly.
Fixed several more typos in the translation system.
Fixed an issue with the murder mission that would cause you to sometimes go to the wrong casino on subsequent plays.
New lot waypoints now save correctly.
Fixed a display issue with the daily slots jackpot.
A bunch of other bugs and small tweaks.
June 17, 2014
Environment ratings now have an impact on your casino's stats (remember that a rating of 0 keeps your stats where they are now).
Fixed several bugs in poker caused by switching tabs (could cause cards and other elements to begin displaying incorrectly).
Fixed a bug in Blackjack that would cause the table to freeze when paying for insurance.
Applying for a new job is now working again.
Fixed a few issues with the display of winning items in Daily Slots.
Fixed a few typos associated with the previous translation system updates.
Fixed a few issues with the Daily Slot limit resets.
Fixed an issue that could cause chips to be uncollectible in bounty party missions.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks associated with the multi-server scaling system released in the last update.
June 11, 2014
SALE: We are running a Casino Point Flash Sale for the next 24 hours! Everyone will get 20% extra Casino Points with every pack bought with Gold (click the green button at the top of the screen).
NOTICE: We will finally be turning on the effects of the environment ratings in about a week.

We've been working for several months on a total overhaul of the game's server system that allows the game to be seamlessly spread across multiple servers. This allows for several advantages, including scaling to many more concurrent players and the ability to move players to a new server if one server goes down, minimizing any potential downtime that we've fallen victim to in the past. This is a massive update, but if you notice any difference it is because there is a bug, so please report it.
For over a month we've also been working on a big overhaul to how text is displayed in the game to allow us to begin translating the game to more languages than just English. For now, the game is still just in English, and if everything is working correctly you shouldn't notice much of a difference if any. If you do, please report it as it is probably a bug.
Up until now we've been using CloudFlare to speed up the download of game files around the worlds. However, we've recently found that its raw speed is lacking, so we've moved to a new provider (Amazon), which should result in a significant improvement in download speed, especially when first loading the game or when loading after clearing cache.
There are 6 new items available, 3 of which are exclusive to the Daily Slots. The other 3 are some really great new beds for your condos.
There is a new tycoon mission for first time casino owners that shows you how to use the casino share feature.
There are a few new emotes that NPC's can show above their heads when visiting casinos.
We've made an update to better sync the game's redraw with your monitor's redraw, resulting in smoother animation and potentially a higher framerate on some computers.
The global and crew chat no longer clear out when the server restarts.
There are now hourly limits applied to Daily Slots in addition to the daily limits.
Disables the casino sharing window inside the Windows 8 App (Windows makes it difficult to share to networks from inside an app). If you'd like to share a screenshot of your casino, open it up inside of a browser until we can find a solution for in-app sharing.
Fixed an issue that would randomly cause Vault items to appear broken.
Fixed a few more issues with the environment rating.
Fixed a bug in the tracking of consecutive days leaderboard.
Fixed a few memory leaks in the Daily Slots.
Fixed bug with unrepairable items after removing them from the vault.
Make sure high roller notices don't stack up on top of each other.
Fix an issue that would sometimes cause errors when unlocking or winning an item.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause mass employee quitting unexpectedly.
The flying piggy bank now correctly registers when collected by another player within view.
Fixed a bug with the tycoon simulation that could cause customer counts to get off.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
June 3, 2014
The loading of game assets is much more intelligent so that we no longer have to pre-load everything up-front before you begin playing. This allows the game to load much faster as it only pre-loads the assets needed for the area you load into, and then streams in the rest of the assets behind the scenes.
Items won in Daily Slots will now show up in your vault right away.
Updated our audio engine to fix several cross-browser issues.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes flash an empty floor before it popped into place (on initial game load).
Fixed a few various bugs with Daily Slots, such as sometimes chip counts getting off.
Fixed a bug with Daily Slots jackpots that prevented them from paying out correctly sometimes.
Returning to the first floor of a casino correctly removes the lower level floors that were visible on upper floors.
The Sci-Fi Sculpture items are now correctly named and can rotate.
Fixed an issue that would cause your character to become invisible after leaving lot edit mode from a different zone.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
May 28, 2014
REMINDER: The free Pioneer Trophy will only be available until the end of May, and then you can never get one again. They are obtained by building a new casino.

Daily Slots have been completely overhauled and can now be played more than once per day! There is now a progressive jackpot that increases 100 chips with each spin of the daily slots (win the jackpot by getting 3 golden grasshoppers). There's also a new "grab bag" treasure chest symbol. If you hit this symbol, you will one of currently 12 new exclusive items that can only be obtained through the Daily Slots. In addition, after your first free spin each day, you can continue spinning for 2 Casino Points. That's not all though, everyone also now has a new item for their condo, a Daily Slot Machine! Everyone has received a red one for free, but there are several different colors that can be bought from the furniture menu as well.
The new Sci-Fi themed items are complete, which means there are 65 new items available for your casinos and crews!
There are 12 new wallpapers available for your casinos, condos and crews!
There are 5 new Roulette Table items available in multiple colors.
Items that are needed in your condo (such as a TV) are now put into groups, so you can sell your small TV if you have a big-screen on the floor already.
Fixed another rare bug that could cause poker tables to freeze.
Male basketball short's are once again available as a clothing option.
If there was a server restart during a poker tournament freeroll, away players wouldn't get removed after 15 minutes (now they do).
Fixed bug that would sometimes cause players to appear invisible when entering a building.
Fixed a few various pigeon pass bugs.
Fixed issue with removing items from vault sometimes causing "ghost items" that occupy tiles.
Fixed issue with janitor job paying out "null" chips when you leveled up too high.
When playing poker on an upper floor, the lower floor walls now redisplay correctly after leaving the poker table.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes "stick" casino games when trying to re-enter them immediately.
Traffic lights in Zone 3B0 are now placed correctly.
May 19, 2014
Our 4th slot machine is now live: Sci-Fi Slots! These slots aren't just simply a new theme on top of the old slots, they've also got an incredible new bonus game that you won't want to miss out on. In addition to the incredible new art, there are lots of fantastic animations packed into every corner of this slot machine to make it an experience all its own.
There are 5 new Sci-Fi Slot Machine items that are available to unlock and purchase for your casinos! An entire Sci-Fi set of items is in the works as well for a future update.
Casino Points are now awarded immediately during slots bonus spins to avoid any confusion.
The format of crew battle stats has been updated to use the common sports formatting (win - loss).
Fixed a rare poker freezing bug.
Fixed a few bugs that would sometimes cause issues when trying to login with settings or programs that block 3rd party cookies (which blocked the login cookie).
If you have 10+ favorite waypoints saved, renaming & deleting ones in the 2nd column now works correctly.
Fixed a rare bug in poker tournaments that could cause a player's starting chips to be off.
Players in the top right seat at poker tables can now chat like all of the other seats.
Fixed bug in poker/blackjack/roulette/local chat that would sometimes caused the last character to be cut off.
Fixed an issue with the expiring citizenship e-mail that caused the e-mail to go out twice for some people (sorry about that!).
Closed a loophole that allowed players to skip paying the big blind in a cash game by sitting away and coming back when first joining a table.
The settings menu in poker should now work correctly on smaller screen resolutions.
May 8, 2014
REMINDER: The Pioneer Trophy item that you get free with each new casino you build will no longer be available after May 31.

When a player opens their first casino, they will now be introduced to their different advisors with tips on how to run their casino.
There are new Simon missions that new casino owners will now go through.
There is a new poker tournament on Fridays that awards an exclusive trophy item for use in your casino to 1st place.
When buying a lot, a new favorite is now automatically created for its location.
If you have signed up for a poker tournament, you will get a popup reminder when there's 5 minutes left before it starts.
Poker now earns considerably more battle points in crew battles.
Several of the buy-ins and rewards for poker tournaments have been tweaked and a few new ones added (there is now a better range of low and high roller tournaments).
NPC's in casinos now comment on the environment of the casino as well.
Players that are sitting away at a freeroll will now be removed after 15 minutes.
Fixed another bug that was causing poker tables to freeze in rare instances.
Crew tycoon bonuses are now displayed in your casino's revenue stats.
Fixed some potential issues with chips and casino points not displaying correctly on update.
Fixed some visual bugs with repairing items.
Fixes position of some buttons in the UI for casino customization.
Improve error messages when trying to challenge other crews to battles.
Crew battle challenge windows now correctly limit which bets both crews are capable of.
Don't show the chips input when trying to sit at a password-protected SnG.
Various other bug fixes on the client and server.
May 1, 2014
Added several help screens to the casino stats menu.
Fixed visual bug with crew battles that would cause stats to overlap with another active battle.
GoldFire notices are now correctly sent when a crew battle is approved.
Fixed bug that would cause you to be booted from a tournament if you left and rejoined before it started.
Wallpaper and wall color now reset when the menu is closed.
Cleared out more random bugs and errors.
April 29, 2014
The poker tables have received a total interface overhaul as well as a host of new features:

  • Everything on screen has been made larger to better accommodate all screen sizes: table, cards, fonts, etc.

  • The gameplay interface has been re-imagined to be much easier and faster to use. New, larger buttons allow all game actions in the bottom right of the screen on desktops and touch-screens alike. There is also a new, larger chat window that you can open/close.

  • Not only is there a new chat window, but chat from players at the table will show over their avatars as they chat.

  • You can now see when a player is typing in chat.

  • Like with local chat or chat at blackjack/roulette, you can now chat by hitting the 's' key.

  • Ignore functionality now works for poker table chat as well.

  • The winner(s) of hands are now highlighted and their winnings animated to their seat.

  • The winning hand(s) are now displayed in text on the table to make it easy to see without looking at the dealer log.

  • The card animations have all been redone to be more realistic.

  • The bet/raise slider has been redone and is much easier to use.

  • There are now pot bet buttons in addition to the all-in button on the bet/raise slider.

  • Folded and away players become transparent so it is easy to see who is still in the hand.

You could always change the colors of your walls, but now you can also change the material or add various wallpapers. This applies for casinos, condos and crew buildings. There is a new option on the menu that allows you to change the colors.
Your vaults now work on the outside of your casinos now!
NPC's walking around can now display emotes as well. This will be especially useful to watch in your own casino to get a better sense of how patrons are liking/disliking your casino.
Palm bushes no longer get cut off when in certain configurations.
Fix bug that prevented outfits from being purchased.
Fix a table freezing issue in poker cash games.
Fix bug in roulette that prevented further betting after re-betting.
Don't allow purchasing of your own Casino Points.
Buildings are now much more transparent while editing your lot.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.