News & Updates

April 6, 2014
IMPORTANT: This update contains a lot of changes/improvements to the server architecture to prevent issues post-launch. We've done a lot of local testing, but new bugs could arise. Please continue to report anything that even seems just slightly odd so we can be sure to have a smooth launch on April 16th. Also, in case you missed it, the new CasinoRPG trailer is available here.

There is now an ignore/unignore button in player profiles that will allow you to filter that player's messages from global chat.
You can now store up to 40 favorite waypoints (80 for citizens). There are now also controls to page between your list of favorites in the mini-map and in the taxi.
Crew buildings are now displayed in orange with a 'C' icon on the mini-map.
Taxis now correctly drop you off at the curbside. We plan on eventually making this even better with some cool animations.
Keyboard events for the floor editor are now fired on key-down rather than key-up.
Fix a bug in crew battles that prevent points from storing correctly in poker.
Fix a few depth-sorting issues caused by yesterday's UI performance updates.
The condo's front door is no longer under the editor grid during the intro tutorial.
The vault storage area is now sized correctly, so the prev/next buttons don't go over the bottom of the screen.
Moving an item out of the vault no longer takes you back to page 1.
Setup a new system to make sure new player's verifications actually go through (sometimes they would get dropped due to network issues, so now they will get resent until network issues are solved).
Cleared out a big list of server bugs and errors to prevent crashes, exploits and attacks.
April 5, 2014
You can finally walk inside apartment buildings! They are fairly limited at the moment, but more functionality will be added in the future. You can go to your condo by walking inside any apartment building and walking up to the elevator. There is also a job board where you will access jobs (the mop in your condo is still there for now, but the plan was always to phase that out eventually).
7 new items have been added to condos, casinos and crew buildings: HDTV and 6 colored lamps.
There are now 3 different dealer images that will show up at dealer switch time at table games.
The poker buy-in window has been improved by showing the min/max buy-in outside of the input box. It also now auto focusses so you don't have to click in the text box to enter your buy-in.
The placeholder text in inputs no longer goes away until you start typing.
Level 1 players can no longer be challenged in party missions.
Poker tables that currently have players on them are now highlighted in green in the poker lobby.
Most of the flickering of outdoor objects should now be fixed.
Fix the last chat character from getting cut off when typing quickly in global chat.
Several more bug fixes and tweaks to environments (keep sending us feedback on these, it is incredibly helpful).
When you edit the tiles on your lot, they will be updated immediately without needing to reload the game.
Prevent any HTML from being used in global chat.
Long floor names now get cut off in the elevator view so that they don't overlap buttons.
Fixed bug in Blackjack and Roulette that would sometimes show a seat as being available to sit at while you were already sitting at the table.
Prevent opening multiple poker join windows at the same time.
If you click join at a poker table and then leave without closing the join window, it will not get automatically closed.
Correctly re-position the missions display when leaving a poker table in your own casino.
Fixed several issues with resizing of the poker lobby display when resizing the game window.
Fixed several issues with resizing of the global chat window when resizing the game window.
A few small performance improvements in various UI components.
The speed of the error window has now been more than doubled.
Lots more random client-side error fixes.
April 1, 2014
The global chat now has a "Chat Bot" that will post the current time every 15 minutes to give you some context when first loading into the game and looking at chat history.
A repellent has been formulated that has successfully rid the city of the rubber-eating pigeons!
Several tweaks and bug fixes have been applied to the casino environment ratings. This is still an experimental feature and currently has no impact on your casinos as we continue to tweak it until it is right.
The vault check that sees if you have enough room for more items in storage is now working correctly.
When you purchase a new lot, the for sale sign will be removed immediately.
If you leave a cash game and then come back, the amount you need to buy-in with is auto pre-filled in the text input.
Fixed the fading animation when leaving poker tables.
Fixed a bug that would cause the game to freeze if you double-clicked the mini-map while it was expanding after clicking on a taxi.
Lots of other error fixes that were causing various issues.
April 1, 2014
Citizens of GoldFire City, we are issuing an all-hands alert city-wide. It turns out that passing pigeons all day has not been the best of ideas. Rather than subduing them into submission, it has only led to these creatures of the streets becoming immune to our human ways and finding new sources of food -- our precious shoes! Yes, that's right, the pigeons have evolved to love the taste of worn rubber. They will stop at nothing to gnaw through your soles to get at your very souls! It is times like these that truly test a city's resolve. Will you stand with me and fight these foul beasts and send them from whence they came!? Citizens! Stand with me and fight the flight!
March 31, 2014
LIVESTREAM: We are back with a special GoldFire Studios Fireside Chat #28 on Tuesday night (April 1, 2014) @ 6:00 PM CDT. We have a big announcement as well as the world premiere of the new CasinoRPG gameplay trailer. Be sure to tune in and have questions ready as we'll be capping it off with live Q&A.

Casinos now have a new metric in the tycoon: environment ratings. You can view your casino's environment rating from the metrics menu inside your casino. This will show you your entire casino's rating. This is still experimental, so it won't have any affect on your casino's other metrics yet, but we plan on introducing this soon after it has been tested by all of you (so if you think a rating looks odd, please let us know). If you have low ratings, one thing to check is whether or not players can actually get to your games, doors, etc.
Mission coins over mission-giver heads are now now faded out while the mission is unavailable.
Lots around the city that are still available for sale will now have a for sale sign in the middle of their grass.
The global alert showing a player's jackpot win will now also show what casino they were playing in.
Reworked the back-end of the mission system to help us add more missions in the future and to fix bugs/issues with the current system.
Fixed a bunch of various errors that could have been breaking various different things.
March 26, 2014
The intro tutorial's arrow has been updated to make it more obvious what you are supposed to be doing.
You can now change the name of casinos when they are closed.
Large speed improvement with the GoldFire Network avatars, which leads to much faster loading of chat, poker, blackjack, roulette, settings, etc.
Various network tweaks/optimizations to improve performance and fix lag/crashing issues.
Fixed very rare poker bug that would cause a crash if a player got a straight flush with 2 aces on the board.
Various other behind-the-scenes updates to improve stability/performance.
March 24, 2014
We now accept Bitcoin for purchasing GoldFire Gold (and thus also Casino Points)! We've partnered with Coinbase to make this happen, so it is especially easy if you already have a Coinbase account. Otherwise, you can still purchase with your Bitcoin wallet like you normally would.
There is a new 5-star casino design available, which now means there are a total of 10 casino designs to choose from.
The purchase window for UltimatePay (mobile, bank, etc) when buying Gold is now inline, so you don't need to open a new window.
The quick chat input will no longer hide unless the text input is empty (this was often an annoyance if you were trying to chat while walking around or playing a game).
Added a toggle behavior to the Manage Properties window so that you couldn't open multiple on top of each other.
Various database optimizations to improve server performance.
Instead of completely hiding other buildings while in lot edit mode, they are now simply "ghosted."
Released a new version of the Windows 8/8.1 apps to fix some crashing issues.
Cleared out a bunch of client errors that could have been causing various issues.
You no longer have to reload the game to see the updated name of a casino after changing it from the Manage Properties window.
Your casino's name and username now show correctly after editing the building and leaving the editor screen.
Fixed bug that prevented casino sounds from stopping when going to your condo.
Fixed bug that prevented fountain sounds from playing when leaving condo.
Various other audio issues for different browsers.
March 20, 2014
New mission giver! You were probably wondering where the Roulette missions are now that we've got a Roulette Sprint. Well, now there is one hanging out in a city square near you.
The first version of the spawning system we've been talking about for a while is in this release. This is still a basic version of it, but it will start to spread more experienced players out into the world. By default, players that don't yet have a building permit will spawn from their condo to the 0A0 square, but everyone else will have spawn points randomly, yet intelligently selected each time you leave your condo. The basic idea is to spread players around the game world, but to still attempt to cluster groups of players so that you don't get dropped in an empty zone. We've got plans to make this even more intelligent in the future, but would love to hear your ideas to improve the system.
Tweak the 3D audio inside and outside to make the world feel more spread out.
Only play music in casinos if the casino is not open to the public.
If a casino floor is open but has nothing in it, still only play music.
Casino ambiance sounds are now more intelligent. Slots sounds will only play if there are slot machines on the floor. Table game sounds will only play if there are table games on the floor.
You can now see the scores of all participating crew members in crew battles, not just the top 5.
Fixed another bug that was showing cards that shouldn't be shown (they were actually from a different poker table).
Sometimes inside casino sounds would fail to stop playing when going outside.
Sometimes loading into the city from outside would prevent inside sounds from playing.
Fix an issue with mini-map panning getting stuck sometimes.
Fix a bug with mission completions that was causing various odd bugs and prevented some players from finishing their building permit mission.
The poker bet/raise slider no longer shows behind any player avatars.
The empty space underneath editor menu tabs no longer blocks clicks, which was causing issues with placing items, painting tiles, etc.
March 18, 2014
POKER RACE: We have a new contest with lots of Casino Points up for grabs! This contest will run for the next 6 weeks and is all about playing poker (as you probably guessed). Get all of the details by clicking the contest icon next to your Casino Points display.
REMINDER: The St. Patrick's Day special ends this Friday, which will be your last chance to get the limited edition Lucky Poker Table item! Click on the green clover icon next to your Casino Points for details.

You've got sprints for slots, poker and blackjack, and now you've got them for roulette! Remember, to start a new sprint, simply click on another player and click the challenge button (the one with the dice).
There is a new, alternate 4-star casino design available.
The art for the original 1-star casino has been updated.
The Real Estate Office now tells you which directions a building can face on a lot before you purchase it.
Crew battle timers are now displayed with more exact times.
Crew battle stats now show the percent so that there is no confusion.
Various small performance tweaks around the game.
The Poker Casino Points Raffle is now only available to players on public cash games.
Possibly fixed a bug that in rare cases showed a player's cards too early (please keep reporting this if it keeps happening).
Editing of crew lot now works again.
Editing of inside of crew buildings by other members of the crew now works again.
Fixed bug that would cause you to get stuck on 99% loading after reloading inside of a crew building.
Lots of various bug fixes and tweaks with the mission system.
Fixed several issues with reset times on repeatable missions.
The 'splash' animation now displays correctly when purchasing a lot.
Fixed issue that caused a lot of lag for 5-10 minutes after new game updates.
Missions that award items are now correctly showing those items as rewards again.
Fixed issue when entering/exiting lot editor that would sometimes cause world objects to pop in slowly.
Fixed issue with Windows Store App that would sometimes cause players to show as online when they had exited the app.
Crew roles now correctly update in real-time when a crew leader updates another member.
Increase wall height by 1 pixel so that it matches up correctly with outside walls.
Fixed two visual bugs on the map.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
March 13, 2014
Failed missions now start their fail timer when expected.
Several UI elements such as the main drop-down menu are now working correctly on touch screens.
Fixed bug where slot bonus spins weren't visually shown if your chip count was low.
Fixed issues with the walls in crew buildings and with the placement of the crew building name/floor name.
Made poker dealer chat more efficient in the database to improve performance.
Fixed issue with missing casino/floor name on 4th floors.
Some NPC's were being generated without bodies in new zones, which should now be fixed.
Sometimes leaving a building would leave parts of the world un-rendered, which should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue with the "Best Time" display in chip races.
Mission progress boxes are now hidden while working jobs.