News & Updates

June 20, 2017
PROMO ITEM VOTING: Summer is here, so we are again looking for your help in selecting the best limited edition item(s) to select. Click the icon to the right of your Casino Points to see the option and place your vote.
STEAM GREENLIGHT: Thank you to everyone that helped with our Steam Greenlight campaign! We got Greenlight after around a week and are in the process of getting CasinoRPG integrated for a launch on the Steam Store. Just to be clear, this doesn't change anything about the current game, it just opens another channel for people to find the game.

31 new wall items have been released, which includes many in the sci-fi theme.
A new CA alert button has been added to global chat to help alert online CA's that their attention is needed. Simply click the button and they'll get the message.
PayPal has now been added as a purchase option for citizenship.
If someone leaves the global chat open and are away from their keyboard for 60 seconds, their username will be grayed out to indicate they are away.
Placing wall items on both sides of the top corner now works correctly.
Maintain progress on game reload for missions that require entering buildings.
The 't' shortcut for emotes in Blackjack is working again.
Fixed another issue with large XP numbers getting cut off.
Fixed another issue causing foreclosures to affect monthly rankings for inactive players.
Issues related to clicking "info" button in slots when it should be disabled.
May 12, 2017
MOTHER'S DAY EVENT: Mother's Day is here and we have a fun new community challenge running through Wednesday, May 17! If the community goal is met and you also achieve your personal goal, then you will receive a special new Mother's Day trophy item. Click on the icon at the top of the game screen for details and progress.

Prevent foreclosure auctions from putting inactive players into the monthly rankings.
If you are online at the reset and pick up a free spin from a Party Bomb, this will no longer reset your daily free spin.
Made several updates to the GoldFire server code that should help with periodic lag that was occurring.
If someone adds you as a friend multiple times, you'll now only get a notification the first time.
Citizenship subscriptions should now correctly renew before the time on it runs out (there was sometimes a gap before).
Bonus spins at the end of slot tournaments would cause duplicated payouts sometimes.
Zooming out the browser when outside no longer causes causes "smearing" issues.
Various other errors on the client and server.
May 4, 2017
Increase the length of slot tournaments by 25%.
Just like in poker tournaments, there is now a notification at 15 and 5 minutes before a slot tournament starts.
Slot tournaments are being shifted to 45-minutes past the hour to better avoid conflict with poker tournaments.
The time limits on real estate purchases have been tweaked. Now, you just have to wait 1 day after 15 lots and 1 week after 30.
When a casino name is changed, everyone that has that casino saved in favorites will have the name updated.
Updated the Windows 10 app to fix a few issues with purchasing Casino Points. The gifting option is also now available.
Various small performance improvements.
Games in the toolbar are now ordered by how frequently you play rather than just a default order.
Closed a few different memory leaks with the GoldFire toolbar.
Improved loading times with large slot tournaments.
A few different issues with party chat.
Solitaire hints are now only blocked if you are specifically in a solitaire sprint.
A rare issue that would cause a game freeze while spinning slots.
A rare issue relating to disconnects.
April 16, 2017
Today marks 3 years since the end of beta testing on CasinoRPG! The game has evolved significantly in this time, and we want to thank everyone that has been a part of that, whether you've been here since beta or are a newer addition to the community. We've gotten to know a lot of you over the years and it has been a joy for all of us at GoldFire Studios to continue building the best game possible for all of you. Your continued support allows us to continue developing great new features, and we can't wait for you to see what we've got in the works now and into the future!

April 9, 2017
EASTER PROMO: GoldFire City is fully decorated for the season and we have 6 exciting limited edition items as voted on by all of you! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after April 24 by clicking on the egg icon at the top of the game screen.
EASTER EGG HUNT: It wouldn't be Easter without a massive Easter Egg Hunt! Click on the basket icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a limited edition Egg Hunt Trophy item!

There is now a lobby accessible from all slot games. From the lobby you can see a listing of the different available slot games and then click one to take you straight there. When you change slot games, you'll be taken to a random casino with that slot game and automatically walk up to it.
Another addition to the new lobby is slot tournaments! These are very similar to slot sprints, but they can handle up to 100 participants and are scheduled in advance just like the poker tournaments. You can see a listing of upcoming tournaments from the lobby display and signup/withdraw from there.
Automatic party chat is now built into the global chat system. When joining a sprint mission or a slot tournament, you will automatically be added into a party. When you open global chat there will now be a "party" tab jut like with crews or wars. You can also chat with this party using the "/p" slashcode in quick chat. The party chat will then automatically close 90 seconds after the conclusion of the sprint or tournament.
Citizenship now offers a new perk: hosted poker tables. If you are a citizen and you start your own poker table, you are now marked as the "host" of that table. The host then has the ability to kick another player from that table, and they won't be able to join that particular table again. If the host leaves the table then it becomes a normal table and nobody can be kicked.
Private chat, social feed and forums now support embedding of Twitch channels/videos.
Various issues that would often show people as online in the toolbar when they were actually offline.
Various issues causing the toolbar counters (notifications, private chat) to get out of sync.
Various cross-browser issues with the toolbar.
Better handle large XP values in the main UI.
April 1, 2017
We are thrilled to announce, after months of intense development and 3D modeling/animation, that the much anticipated dance feature has arrived! We've got a wide variety of dance moves for you, from moonwalk to moonwalk! And, since Watts continues to tease the Mayor for his severe lack of moonwalk-ability, we thought we'd make it so easy that you literally don't have to do anything to dance...because you are now ALWAYS moonwalking! Also, we hooked everyone up with some new outfits to match. Enjoy!

March 23, 2017
PROMO ITEM VOTING: Easter is right around the corner, so we are again looking for you help in selecting the best limited edition item(s) to select. Click the icon to the right of your Casino Points to see the option and place your vote.

Removal of private chat conversations and group chats is now possible through the new chat settings button in the top right of each conversation (where the button to start a group was before). To remove yourself from a conversation/group, simply click on yourself and click remove. The person that started the group can also remove anyone from the group.
Networking updates to both CasinoRPG and GoldFire that lower bandwidth usage by as much as 40%. This should help with those on slower connections and you could also see improvements in bomb parties with many participants.
Significant performance improvements when scrolling long views in the GoldFire toolbar (chat, forums, notifications, etc).
If a crew withdraws from a battle, they won't be able to challenge or be challenged to battle for 7 days.
If a crew's battle opponent withdraws, that crew can start another challenge within 24 hours without needing to vote again.
Various "unknown error" and disconnect issues around the game.
Items hanging from the ceiling will no longer cause environment rating issues when hanging in front of a door/elevator.
Casino share URL is now working again as expected.
Accepting a sprint mission while playing another casino game no longer requires a refresh to see the sprint.
The "wait for big blind" option now correctly stays checked.
Private chat now displays correctly without getting cut off in Edge and Windows 10 App.
A few more issues with keyboard shortcuts in video poker in Edge and Windows 10 App.
Various other fixes in game and in the GoldFire toolbar.
March 13, 2017
ST. PATRICK'S PROMO: GoldFire City is decked-out in green and we have 5 exciting limited edition items as voted on by all of you! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after March 22 by clicking on the clover icon at the top of the game screen.
PUB CRAWL: In honor of St. Patrick's day, the city is holding a massive Pub Crawl with plenty of prizes and green drinks to go around! Click on the beer mug icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a limited edition Pub Crawl Trophy item!

Added toolbar setting to mute sounds.
Added toolbar setting to move the toolbar to the left of the screen.
Added option to delete social feed posts.
Added a new option to the camera to toggle the UI on/off (it is still hidden by default).
We know that things come up from time to time, and this shouldn't cause you to lose your daily multiplier. So, the consecutive days counter now allows for one missed day in any given 30 day period without resetting the counter.
Updated Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 apps to fully support GoldFire 2.0.
Prevent others from messaging you if you don't have them on your friends list and you don't have the setting checked to allow anyone to message you.
Emojis now show in private chat previews and notifications.
Daily Slots now auto-closes after your daily free spin.
Reversed the order of auction history to show most recent first.
Cleared through a big list of bugs and improvements surrounding the GoldFire 2.0 launch (please keep submitting any issues you find).
Various tweaks and fixes on mobile, especially involving poker.
Tweak speed of solitaire and mission animations.
Rare issue that could cause solitaire games to freeze.
Correctly report solitaire winnings in profiles.
Reset wall patterns before entering new floor (could cause issues in editor).
Correctly positioned/scaled treasure map in slot bonus games.
Placing items from vault in the top corner of floors now works as expected.
Lag caused by opening the global chat window.
Incorrect price check on discounted building upgrades.
Video Poker keyboard shortcuts now work in Safari.
Issue that would sometimes show 'undefined' tables in lobby when leaving poker tables.
Restored background on Classic Slots.
Various other client and server errors.
February 20, 2017
The full CasinoRPG experience is now fully compatible with mobile devices through the browser, so you can now play on the go!
  • Everything has been scaled to to fit the small screen, from casino games and missions to the floor and lot editors and everywhere in-between.

  • Updated the layouts of some features/games to work better on mobile devices (where just scaling wasn't ideal).

  • Added a quick play menu that makes it easier to get into games when on small screens.

  • Tested to work on recent models of iPhones, iPads and Android phones/tablets.

  • The e-bars menu button has been removed and the Crews/Condo buttons have been turned into apps on your phone.

  • This is the culmination of months of work and required updates to nearly everything in the game. Because of this, there will be bugs and things that can be improved. We greatly appreciate any reports of these issues/ideas (no matter how big or small).
The GoldFire platform has been largely unchanged since its first release in 2012. GoldFire 2.0 is a complete re-imagining of what it could be and has been re-built from the ground up based on everything we've learned and all of the feedback received in those 5 years.
  • Mobile Support - Every feature has been designed around mobile in mind, meaning the full toolbar and site will work just as well on small screens as it does on large.

  • New Toolbar - The toolbar has been moved from the bottom of the screen to the right side, giving us significantly more room to work with. Every feature is now accessible and fully live updating without ever leaving your game.

  • Private Chat - Private chat with your friends has been overhauled to more closely resemble a messaging app on your phone. It is much easier to read with full screen height display, includes an emoji keyboard and image/video embedding. It also now enables group chat instead of strictly one-to-one.

  • Notifications - The full notification history can now be viewed right from the toolbar, and clicking on notifications will take you to the associated view (chat, forum, profile, game, etc). There's also a new popup notification in the bottom right of the screen (can be disabled in settings).

  • Forums - The forums are now streamlined to more closely resemble a public chat thread than traditional forums. You never have to leave the game to check the forums, and even clicking links to forum posts will open them from the toolbar rather than in a new window!

  • Social Feed - This is now accessed from the forums tab and includes image/video embedding, emojis, vastly improved commenting and the ability to like posts. In addition, there are some new automated posts such as when you open a casino or win a jackpot.

  • Leaderboards - You can now easily see your current rankings for every leaderboard by opening the new leaderboards tab. Clicking on a category will give you a scrollable list along with toggles to jump to yourself, show only friends and also show monthly ranking for every category (not just overall ranking like before).

  • Profiles - Profiles are now also viewed from the toolbar and show largely the same information as before (though in a better format and faster to load). In addition, you can view each player's rankings for each game by viewing their games.

  • Info - Each game has an info button in the bottom right of the screen that gives various information and actions. You can access feedback and support, see how many and which players are online, access the news or guide pages and much more.

  • Store - The store has one of the most significant changes in that we've decided to remove the concept of GoldFire Gold. Ultimately, the Gold concept caused more confusion than the intended benefits, so we decided it made sense to simplify the whole process. We've done a 1-to-1 conversion of everyone's Gold balances to the premium currency in their most active game; however, if you wanted some other action taken, please contact us and we'll get you taken care of. Additionally, you can now manage saved credit cards and view your full purchase history.

Lowered the odds of getting wall items in Party Bombs.
Username of Casino Point buyer is now included in notification.
Various tweaks to mission animations.
Improved loading of image assets on slow or unreliable connections.
January 27, 2017
PROMO ITEM VOTING: St. Patrick's Day is fast approaching, so we are again looking for your help in selecting the best limited edition item(s) to select. Click the icon to the right of your Casino Points to see the options and place your vote.

A few more fixes to building upgrades and placement.
Issue with Solitaire game coming up with no cards.
Various bug fixes related to different browsers.