News & Updates

January 29, 2018
STEAM: CasinoRPG recently launched on Steam! The app can be downloaded here, and be sure to leave a review.

New checkbox on VIP floor management allows you to enable access for all members of your crew without selecting them individually.
Various improvements to the new player tutorial and early missions.
A few small tweaks to the difficulty of the bartender job.
The Auction House now shows the upgraded item stats like the editor does.
Casino Point fees on real-estate purchases have been tweaked down for players with larger numbers of casinos.
Various issues with slot tournaments and sprints caused by bonus spins.
Issue that could prevent a slot sprint from updating correctly at the end.
Issue that could sometimes cause a sprint to get stuck and prevent players from starting a new one.
Issue that would sometimes show the wrong stat values on new items.
Entering commas in the value for an auction bid or casino point listing no longer causes the number to be cut off.
The global alert that displays when a new casino is being built now correctly shows the username.
The casino share menu now works in Steam.
Issue that sometimes causes you to level up twice, resulting in a sort of level-limbo until you leveled again.
Global chat announcements could sometimes get stuck on screen when quickly toggling chat.
A few issues with leaderboard not displaying correctly when switching between toggles.
If there are multiple pages of results when searching for a username in VIP floor management, the arrows to page through the results now work.
Prevent ad blocking extensions from blocking the sharing buttons for login and the camera/photos apps.
Clicking to expand the mini-map right as you walk up to a taxi could cause the screen to go black.
January 8, 2018
APP RATINGS: The more ratings/reviews we get on our new mobile apps, the more chances we have to grow the CasinoRPG community. If you've enjoyed the apps, please consider leaving a rating/review (App Store or Google Play).

There is a new players list in bingo that you can toggle opened/closed like the bingo chat. It shows who is currently playing and how many bingos they have won this round.
The stats display for an item on a casino floor/lot or in the vault now shows the stats adjusted for the upgrade level of that item.
Slightly lowered the odds of getting condo/lot items from party bombs (in favor of casino items).
Purchased gifts of Casino Points now show in the purchase history.
When purchasing a gift of Casino Points for another player, that player now receives an in-game notification.
The jungle question bonus would sometimes give all zeroes.
The Milk and Cookies Bar item from the holiday promo can now be rotated in all 4 directions.
Various scrolling issues in different inputs on the GoldFire toolbar (chat, forums, etc).
Prevent clicking through the button to start a janitor shift.
A few small visual glitches with the scratchers.
Various other visual glitch issues around the game.
December 20, 2017
HOLIDAY PROMO: The city is decked out for the holiday season and we have 8 exciting limited edition items as voted on by all of you! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after January 4 by clicking on the snowflake icon at the top of the game screen.
UNBEARD THE SHARK 2017: The city is in need of everyone's help solving a mystery that could ruin this most joyous time of year! Click on the Santa Hat icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Unbeard the Shark Trophy item!
APP RATINGS: The more ratings/reviews we get on our new mobile apps, the more chances we have to grow the CasinoRPG community. If you've enjoyed the apps, please consider leaving a rating/review (App Store or Google Play).

In addition to the 8 limited edition holiday items, we've added 30 new decorative holiday-themed items to the editor that can be purchased at any time.
If bingo doesn't have enough players to start right away, you can now add yourself to the queue to be alerted when there are 5+ players.
A new XP prize has been added to all scratchers.
Added limited edition items filter to the vault.
Scratchers now support using the spacebar to play again and auto scratch.
Closed casinos no longer count towards leaderboard stats (since they aren't actually turning a profit).
Updates to both the iOS and Android app fixed login and orientation issues.
More issues that could sometimes cause the private chat message counter on the toolbar to get out of sync.
Removed a delay after winning free tickets in scratchers.
Minor tweaks to lower repair costs in certain scenarios.
Various visual glitch issues.
December 8, 2017
The full CasinoRPG experience is now available to download on your phones and tablets! Read about this launch on our blog post and head to the App Store or Google Play to download for your device today!
The poker challenge in crew battles/wars has been updated to be more in line with all of the other challenges. Instead of the score being from winning 5 hands, you now simply play 25 hands and each hand adds to the score (whether you fold or get all the way to the showdown). The better the string of hands, the higher your score will go.
Correctly cache all audio files and load from servers around the world to speed up the initial load and subsequent game loads after that.
Completing a building upgrade and changing its style in the same editor session prevented the upgrade from sticking.
Private message counter would sometimes get out of sync if you had multiple windows open.
Scratchers would sometimes pour chips out of the top of the screen for extended periods when using Edge or the Windows app.
Multiple clothing option boxes in the character customization screen would be outlined in black as you switched through the categories.
More visual glitch issues.
November 29, 2017
PROMO ITEM VOTING: The holidays are here, so we are again looking for your help in selecting the best limited edition items. Click the icon to the right of your Casino Points to see the options and place your vote.

We've added 7 new arcade machine items, 6 of which you can purchase for your casino floors in the editor. As part of this, we are excited to announce that CasinoRPG players are getting first access to the closed beta of our new game, Exocraft (read all about it on our blog). To access the closed beta, just walk up to an arcade machine. The 7th arcade machine is a limited edition item that you can earn by participating in the beta!
We've upgraded all of our CasinoRPG and GoldFire servers with the latest Intel processors for even better server performance.
If you don't have citizenship, you are now given a "waypoint" button from the "lot" button in crews.
Slots and poker tournaments now block you from signing up for two tournaments that start at the same time.
Updated the font in the GoldFire toolbar to be consistent across browsers and easier to read.
If you have set your toolbar to appear on the left, there will no longer be a split second flash of it showing on the right side when loading the game.
Various issues with items disappearing when moving items in and out of the vault multiple times.
Taxis and some buildings wouldn't always show up on the mini-map when traveling to new areas.
The global alert for a crew hall going under construction now shows the name of the crew correctly.
Game freeze caused by talking to Lane when you already have a pigeon.
The crew setting for battles wouldn't always save until closing and re-opening the crew window.
The crew battle scorecard could sometimes get stuck after paging through the leaderboards.
Blackjack missions asking to win a certain amount of chips would sometimes show 100% when it wasn't actually 100% completed.
Sometimes the signup screen would show over the game after logging in.
Slot sprint countdown now shows correctly again.
Timing issues with awards being displayed too early/late in slot sprints.
Various issues on mobile/tablet gameplay (announcement on native apps coming soon).
Banks and other non-player buildings would sometimes show as closed on the mini-map.
Prevent canceling Pigeon Pass, causing the pigeon to get stuck.
More minor performance improvements.
More visual glitch fixes.
October 23, 2017
HALLOWEEN PROMO: The city is decked out for this spooky time of year, and we have 6 incredible limited edition Halloween items to celebrate! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after November 6 by clicking on the pumpkin icon at the top of the game screen.
TRICK-OR-TREAT 2017: When the ghosts and ghouls start roaming the streets, you know what that means! Click on the candy icon next to the promo icon to see the trick-or-treat progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Trick-or-Treat 2017 Trophy item!

If a floor has many party bomb items on it, the floor will be switched to "fast render" mode. This could cause some rare visual glitches where items might appear slightly off, but it will cause the lag to be significantly less on those floors.
The individual challenge leaderboards for battles/wars can now be paged so you can see the full list and not just the top 5.
Improved the location of casino favorites to be at the front door (only applies to new favorites).
If you take a taxi to a building, it will now create a waypoint from where you are dropped off to the front door.
A scratcher prize is now awarded as soon as three matching numbers are scratched rather than requiring all to be scratched.
If the server restarted while the 60-second countdown was running for a slot tournament, that tournament would never start.
Improved the accuracy of where the taxi/driver would drop you off.
Ten's now get highlighted correctly in winning poker hands.
Picking up a contractor after placing it is now working again.
Correctly award Royal Flush Jackpot when everyone folds on the river.
NPC's will no longer get stuck in the elevator (we removed the fly-paper from the floor).
Issue that would cause a poker table to freeze if it was all-in and limit.
Prevent rare issue that could cause a poker sprint to get stuck.
Duplicate card sounds in Blackjack during dealing.
A few more issues that in rare cases would cause areas of the map to appear blank until reloading.
Making a crew hall private/open from crew settings is working again.
Various compatibility fixes for the mobile web version of the game.
Further various visual glitches from the previous rendering engine update.
September 29, 2017
PROMO ITEM VOTING: Halloween is right around the corner, so we are again looking for your help in selecting the best limited edition item)s) to select. Click the icon to the right of your Casino Points to see the options and place your vote.

10 new bingo medals have been added for both winning bingos and playing rounds of bingo.
Battle/war scorecards now show your own personal total score including the bonuses.
Crew leaders can now delete messages in crew chat.
The save button has been removed from the crew settings window to match the behavior of game settings (it'll save automatically when you leave the window).
Crew chat will now show the date of messages that are over a day old.
Crew announcements will now stay forever, or until someone deletes them.
Since the bingo jackpot still gets awarded too infrequently, we've made it slightly easier again.
Updates to server code resulting in roughly a 20% speed boost.
Table emotes will now show above your avatar's head to players that are on the casino floor (not just to the other players at your table).
The "Properties" app has been renamed "Casinos" and the font size increased (especially easier to read on mobile).
After taking the driver to a few different locations, sometimes the door was unreachable even though there was a clear path.
Sometimes you might get stuck "inside" a building when visiting a lot that was for sale.
Prevent posting in war chat after war has ended.
The game would sometimes reload or require a reload when you got a network disconnect.
They keyboard wouldn't always open on mobile devices.
Finalizing a building upgrade and changing the building style in the same step now works correctly.
Various issues that could cause the game to freeze and require a reload.
Various issues with the scorecard and other windows during battle.
Sometimes repair icons would show on the wrong item that wasn't actually broken.
Various bugs in the editor and the vault.
Various issues that would cause buildings and other street entities to be missing until reloading.
Various issues with random entities (like chips, casino points, etc) getting stuck on the screen.
Disable crew lot button if the crew doesn't have a lot.
Roulette board number highlights would sometimes get stuck when the wheel started spinning.
Dragging the global chat window now works like any other window.
Fixed a few issues relating to battle votes.
Losing connection at a poker table should no longer require leaving the table and coming back to get it working again.
Dozens of other visual glitches in our updated rendering engine.
Changing e-mail from the settings on the GoldFire toolbar no longer causes the panel to go blank.
August 25, 2017
This represents is the largest performance update since CasinoRPG was in beta testing! We re-thought and re-wrote big chunks of our game engine to improve RAM, CPU and power usage. While everyone should see an improvement, the difference should be most obvious on lower-end devices like phones, tablets, Chromebooks, etc. From our testing we've seen a performance improvement anywhere from 25-75% across the board. This update touches literally every aspect of the game, and as such, there are bound to be some visual glitches we missed in testing. Please submit tickets with any issues you see, no matter how big or small.
Players can now carry multiple party bombs at the same time. If you have multiple, a red counter will display on the bomb. When you set one off, the counter will go down and you can set the next one off in order. This also fixes issues with winning party bombs when you already have one from daily slots.
Added option to create poker cash games for 4 and 2 players.
You can now only signup for up to 5 poker tournaments at a time.
Rare issue in Jungle Slots that would cause your auto spins to reset after bonus spins.
Lot items now show the correct level when moved out of the vault.
Royal Flush jackpot is now correctly awarded in CP tournaments.
The counter showing the number of players in bingo now shows the correct number.
A few colors of the wall divider items were invisible.
Various issues with poker banking protection showing the wrong amount when trying to buy back in.
Refreshing the game before turning in a slot addict mission no longer causes it to fail.
Tweaked down the odds of gull attack power-ups in bingo.
Treasure chest display sometimes wouldn't show after reloading in bingo.
Rare issue that would sometimes prevent free daily spins from opening when picking up multiple from party bomb.
Dozens of other bug fixes around the game (mostly visual glitches in rare instances).
July 18, 2017
SUMMER PROMO: We have 6 new limited edition summer-themed items available for your casinos and lots! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after July 31 by clicking on the beach ball icon at the top of the game screen.
HOT DOG EATING CONTEST: It wouldn't be summer without over-eating from the grill! Click on the hot dog icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide hot dog eating contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a limited edition Hot Dog Eating Trophy item!

Building addresses entered in global chat will now be clickable. Citizens will be taken directly there by their driver and non-citizens will have a waypoint set to the address.
The treasure chest in Daily Slots can now award a Party Bomb.
It appears the bingo jackpot may have been too difficult, so we've tweaked it just slightly.
If you bingo all of your cards before the game has ended, the treasure chest will show right away.
Tweaked the size of the bingo numbers to be easier to read.
Leaving a bingo game before it has started now correctly refunds your chips.
Leaving a bingo game after it has started no longer removes you from the game, allowing you to re-enter.
Issues causing freezing on Western and Egyptian slots.
A few different audio issues in bingo.
Tweak bingo's telescope power-up to be more clear by still announcing and highlighting called balls.
A few different issues prevent players from buying bingo cards on the next game or when entering while a round was ending.
Issue that could cause bingo balls to end upside down on some devices.
Live update the bingos left counter.
Issue that would sometimes cause bingo power-ups to change randomly.
Various other fixes and tweaks to bingo.
Leaving a bingo game no longer removes you, so you can now go back and still have your cards.
July 12, 2017
An exciting new casino game is being added: Bingo! This isn't just any game of Bingo, we went all-in with an incredible pirate theme (both visuals and sounds, so be sure to turn on your speakers). It allows playing up to 4 cards at a time, includes fun and unique multiplayer power-ups, chances for earning extras through collecting keys, a unique progressive jackpot and more. The game also works on mobile just like the rest of our casino games (more on this in the coming weeks/months).
Added 4 bingo machine items.
Added a Bingo sprint party mission.
Added a Bingo team challenge to battles and wars.
Added 10 new medals relating to Bingo.
A crew founder now has the ability to make another crew member the founder (this replaces them as founder but keeps them in the crew).
Twitch streams embedded in the forums will now include the chat that goes with the stream.
Lower votes needed for battle to 40% of active members (it was 50% of total before).
If a crew fails to score in a battle, their "battle" setting will be turned off.
A previous change allowed starting a new battle without a vote after a withdrawal, which will now work if this happens twice in a row.
Allow battling the same crew twice in a row if it has been more than 30 days.
Lower timer on super turbo poker tournaments to 15 seconds.
Prevent showing slot tournaments in mission log.
Closing a casino wouldn't always prevent slot lobby players from being sent to that casino.
Potential fix for rare issue leading to player ending up at empty table in poker tournaments.
Rare issue that would sometimes prevent managing employees at casino bought from foreclosure auction.
High profit casinos will now display the profit/expense history graph correctly.