News & Updates

July 9, 2018
PROMO ITEM VOTING: Summer is in full swing, so we are again looking for your hep in selecting the best limited edition items. Click the icon to the right of your Casino Points to see the options and cast your vote.

A new memorial monument park has been added to various locations around the city to honor members of our community that have passed away. If we've missed someone, please let us know and we'll get it updated.
The floor listings in the Casinos phone app is now more clear about which floors are VIP. The colors showing the status have also been tweaked to better accomodate those that are color-blind.
Added two new mission tutorials to help new players with buying a lot and building a casino.
Minor tweak to the party bombs to increase the odds of casino items vs lot/condo items.
Various other bug and error fixes.
June 22, 2018
WORLD UFO DAY: An out of this world holiday is coming up on Monday, July 2. For 24 hours only, a very limited edition item will be available for purchase (or until they sell out). We'll release a batch of 100 of the item every 2 hours throughout the day so every timezone gets a chance. These are on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of 5 per person, per batch.

The casinos app on your phone now displays how many floors each casino has and their status (green is open, gray is closed and the lock symbol means it is locked for VIP).
Bet limits on all casino games have been tweaked up.
When your crew leader has joined a war, all members of the crew will get a popup window letting them know they can now join the war.
You can once again delete your own chat messages in crew chat.
The medals for a 2-star and 5-star casino wouldn't always get awarded.
The game could sometimes freeze after getting a mission from a flyer on the street.
Various issues with the blackchip system.
An elevator could get stuck if you started walking towards it and opened the editor before reaching it.
The position of the "market" button when going in a casino from the real estate office was off.
Various other bug/error fixes.
May 25, 2018
Added a participants button to the overall crew war scoreboard that lets you see not just the participants on your own team, but lets anyone see the full list for both sides.
Crew war voting now shows the number of opted-in members on each crew rather than the active player count.
Players in crew wars should no longer get benched two days in a row.
Various issues with mission markers showing on the wrong buildings sometimes.
Refreshing in the middle of a Mail Lady mission correctly shows the mission markers on buildings again.
Various issues with filtering in vaults, especially relating to limited edition items.
Searching for items in auction wasn't returning lot items.
Some notifications didn't work on the first day of the crew war.
If your crew isn't in the war, the war display will no longer show on your battle tab once teams are set.
Various other fixes found during the last crew war.
Payouts weren't working correctly for a Royal Flush in Video Poker when betting below 100 chips.
Some referral URLs for casinos were getting stuck on the loading screen.
Various issues with the popup showing that there are new updates.
May 7, 2018
The Battle tab in your crew window now has a "participants" button during wars. This allows you to see everyone on your team, the crew they are in and if they are benched for that day or not.
Various improvements to the battle/war scorecard for players that aren't participating or are benched.
Various bugs relating to the scorecard for battles/wars.
Various bugs relating to poker tables when a disconnect happens.
Vault page doesn't get reset with the vault chips update every 10 minutes.
Rare issue that could cause items moved to and from the vault to appear to have vanished after leaving and returning.
Side pots in poker could cause a battle challenge to be counted incorrectly.
Rotating a lamp in your condo and then reloading could cause the game to get stuck on the loading screen.
Various audio issues on Internet Explorer.
April 27, 2018
INTERNATIONAL JAZZ DAY: This musical holiday is coming up on Monday, April 30. For 24 hours only, a very limited edition item will be available for purchase (or until they sell out). We'll release a batch of 100 of the item every 2 hours throughout the day so every timezone gets a chance. These are on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of 5 per person, per batch.

Various issues in the editor, mostly relating to vaulting and un-vaulting items.
Leaving Star Slots/Reef Reels when the bonus game is activiated would sometimes cause them to freeze.
Improvements for the login flow for returning players.
Rare issue that could cause a freeze in poker after a disconnect.
Various bug fixes and performance improvements to the GoldFire platform.
April 23, 2018
Vastly improved the searching functionality for item names in the Auction House.
Timed missions would sometimes appear to reset progress before taking it back to the mission giver.
Disconnecting could sometimes cause a black screen in poker or other casino games.
Challenge and total scores would sometimes show incorrectly while keeping the scorecard open (visual issue, score was counted correctly).
Some poker hands weren't correctly counting towards battle challenge scores.
A few issues that could prevent crews from being matched for battle.
Various other bug fixes around crew wars, the lottery system, opting in to war, etc.
Voting for the top two crews in the war should now work again.
Phone apps could sometimes get stuck on the screen after trying to close them.
Casino addresses would sometimes show as "null" when taking a photo.
April 16, 2018
CasinoRPG left beta testing 4 years ago today! A lot has changed in that time. We are so thankful for everyone that has been along for that ride, whether you were here all the way back during beta or if you've just recently joined the game. All of us at GoldFire Studios have immensely enjoyed getting to know so many of you. All of your continued support is what drives us to continue developing great new features and updates, and we can't wait for you to see what we've got in store for the future of the game!

March 31, 2018
EASTER PROMO: GoldFire City is fully decorated for the season and we have 6 exciting limited edition items! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after April 15 by clicking on the egg icon at the top of the game screen.
EASTER EGG HUNT: It wouldn't be Easter without a massive Easter Egg Hunt! Click on the basket icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a limited edition Egg Hunt 2018 Trophy item!

The crew info screen has been updated to show war stats for each crew.
Crews are no longer added to wars automatically (so no need to manage your crew finances to try and get into or avoid war). Instead, there will now be a 48-hour period after war is declared for crews to join the war.
Crew members no longer need to opt-out of war if they don't want to participate. Once the crew has joined the war, any member that wants to participate just goes to the battle tab on their crew window and joins their crew mates in the war. Only the players that specifically join the war are eligible for the team lottery (if one is needed).
Players that didn't opt-in to the war still get a scorecard to follow their crew's team progress.
The lottery for war teams will now run 24 hours in advance on the first day and 12 hours in advance on the others so you know well in advance if you are participating the next day.
The war lottery to select the teams only ran correctly for the first day.
Some crew founders got excluded from the war when they shouldn't have been.
Various issues with player selection for teams in crew battles.
Issue that could cause new battle challenges to auto-cancel.
In rare instances, a crew could get selected for two battles at the same time.
The team score wouldn't always update right away after completing a team challenge.
Short disconnects could sometimes cause a black screen in poker.
The GoldFire Settings display was blank for some players with an unverified e-mail.
March 14, 2018
ST. PATRICK'S DAY: With holidays so close to each other this year, we are running a one-day St. Patrick's Day promo on Saturday, March 17. A very limited edition St. Patrick's Day item will be available for purchase for 24 hours only (or until they run out). We'll release a batch of 100 of the item every 2 hours throughout the day so every timezone gets a chance. These are on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of 5 per person, per batch.

Crew rankings have been overhauled with a more straight-forward (and now public in the wiki) formula to calculate the scores. There is also a new sorting option in the crew listings that allows you to view all-time rankings, last 30-day rankings, crew size and battle wins (the 30-day ranking won't have full date until 30 days after this update).
Crew battles now have fixed-size teams to make them more fair between crews of different sizes. The team size will be set to the lower active user count between the 2 crews. The crews are then given the same 24-hour period to select which crew members will represent them in the battle.
Wars will also now have fixed-size teams, but the individual members don't need to be selected. Instead, a lottery system will be used. The team that has more players than the team size will run a lottery each day of the war to select which players get to participate (each crew founder will always be selected).
Individual players can now opt-out of wars (each crew's founder is required to participate).
*UDPATE* Taking a vote from your crew members is no longer needed to setup a crew battle.
You can now withdraw from a poker/slot tournament within 30 minutes if there aren't enough signed up to start the tournament.
Some trash cans weren't clickable during missions.
Some items in the lot editor were unable to be edited.
Rare issue could prevent a poker tournament table from starting.
Potential fix for issues with poker tournament tables not merging when they should (please let us know if you see this again).
Dragging while selecting an item while in the editor could prevent the correct buttons from showing.
The market button was sometimes hidden behind the mini-map when visiting casinos that were up for sale/auction.
Royal Flush jackpot sometimes wouldn't be correctly awarded when playing in a CP tournament.
Issue that could cause the phone buttons display to be broken.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
February 9, 2018
WINTER OLYMPICS PROMO: With the Winter Olympics in full swing, we have a set of 6 new limited edition Winter Olympic-themed items! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after February 23 by clicking on the Olympic rings icon at the top of the game screen.
OLYMPICS MEDAL RACE: The Winter Olympics have arrived in GoldFire City, can you take home the gold? Click on the medal icon next to the Olympic rings to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Olympics Medal Race Trophy item!

The 10,000 chip bet option for crew battles has been replaced with a 5,000,000 chip option (more crew battle improvements are coming in the next update).
Crew members are now considered inactive for battle/war purposes after 4 days rather than 7.
Casino game missions with a time limit will no longer start the timer until you begin playing that game.
Missions that required returning to the mission giver would sometimes get stuck and prevent finishing the mission.
The disconnect message would sometimes get stuck on screen after an update.
When entering the editor on a floor multiple times, the countdown on a new or upgrading item could get out of sync.
Chat typing indicators would sometimes show up on other tables during a tournament.
Paging back through the table items list would break the modal window.
Tone down animations on party bomb items when there are more than 100 on a floor (to help with performance-related issues).
Saving settings on the mobile apps was overwriting the chat settings on desktop.
When traveling around the map with a driver/taxi, some buildings could become invisible.
The charts on the metrics tab of the casino editor would sometimes get out of sync with the real numbers.