News & Updates

March 4, 2019
MARDI GRAS PROMO: The city is decked out for the Mardi Gras festivities and we have 6 exciting limited edition items available! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after March 19 by clicking on the Mardi Gras hat icon at the top of the game screen.
BEAD COLLECTING 2019: Join up with the rest of the community and collect the most Mardi Gras beads from the casinos of GoldFire City! Click the beads icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition trophy item!

Updated crew war date selection (which the server selects randomly) to not schedule a war that overlaps with double XP day.
Added option to withdraw from crew war while it is still pending.
Each raffle prize (poker, online, war) can now only be won by the same person once every 6 hours to give everyone a fair chance.
If the top item on a stack of party bomb items is one that you dropped, it would previously block collecting the one that is below it that someone else dropped. It now goes down the stack and collects the first one that you are able to collect.
Minor tweaks to scratcher odds to increase XP/CP payouts.
If a player sat at a Blackjack table while the dealer's cards were being dealt, a new hand would start instantly.
Another issue that could cause a poker tournament table to not start.
Various visual, scoring and other issues with crew wars.
Various issues with crew battles since the last update.
Possible fix for an issue that would randomly cause a phone app to get stuck on the screen.
Various issues and performance improvements on the new mini-map.
Various issues and tweaks with the new player tutorial.
Various issues that could cause server crashes, frozen poker tables, duplicated bombs and other random issues.
Waypoint paths could sometimes get stuck after doing a casino game mission.
Reordering of favorites wasn't always working correctly, especially with large numbers of favorites.
February 13, 2019
VALENTINE'S DAY PROMO: The loving holiday of Valentine's Day is coming up on Thursday, February 14. For 24 hours only, a very limited edition slots item will be available for purchase (or until they sell out). We'll release a batch of 100 of the item every 2 hours throughout the day so every timezone gets a chance. These are on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of 5 per person, per batch.

We've been collecting all of your feedback on the crew wars and have created a new war experience that is a lot more fun and a lot more fair! The new system does away with teams (which means nobody has to be on the bench) in favor of an "all out war" system. The points/chips buy-in is now awarded at the end to the top 10% of individual players, similar to how payouts in a poker tournament work (it gets split between the players and their crew). Team challenges are now within your crew since there are no longer teams. Be sure to check the guide or open the "war info" button for all of the details.
There are two new trophy items available as part of crew wars. The first you win by placing in the top 10% and the other you win by completing your scorecard each day of the war (personal challenges and bonus challenges).
There is now a "war raffle" that awards free casino points to random online war participants all throughout the duration of the war.
Due to the war changes, we had to also make some changes to the crew rankings. The previous update was meant to simplify the rankings, but we didn't take it far enough. The rankings are now based on a simple accumulating score total (which means it can never drop). The values that make up this score are listed in the game guide so you can calculate exactly what you need to move up.
The monthly crew rankings have also been simplified to work like individual monthly rankings. They now reset at the start of each month and are simply a total of the score your crew has earned within each calendar month.
The mini-map has been overhauled to use an isometric view rather than a top-down view, so it now correctly matches the view of the world. This lets you see more in the same area and also makes it easier to navigate with everything aligned.
The real estate office's map has also been overhauled to now use the regular mini-map. This means that you can now view the entire city and buy any lot from any real estate building.
The real estate office's map now also includes a button to jump to the closest available lot from your current map location.
The "wars" stat in crew info has been replaced with "war winners" which shows how many members have placed in a war.
Tweaked the battle/war scoring on solitaire, blackjack and roulette to be more in-line with the other challenges.
Various updates and improvements to the Windows Store app (only on Windows 10).
When a casino is sold, any floors with VIP status will have their lists reset.
Added the keyboard shortcut "H" to get a hint while playing solitaire.
Overhauled the new player tutorials to better introduce new players to the various aspects of the game.
In rare instances, away players wouldn't get removed when they should from poker tournaments.
Issue that could sometimes cause a table in a poker tournament to not start.
The contract timer now starts when you first place the contractor rather than on purchase. This also fixes an issue that could cause contracts to get stuck on your head.
Using the "hint" option in solitaire could sometimes cause the game to freeze.
The Battle tab in crew windows would sometimes go blank randomly.
Instant upgrades on items would sometimes show a cost of 0 and a time of null when going in/out of the editor.
Indoor beam lights were not showing the option to replace when they were broken.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks throughout the game.
January 23, 2019
A new "lock party bombs" setting has been added to the game settings that prevents you from accidentally setting off party bombs with a mis-click.
Two new items have been added to Party Bombs and Daily Slots: B&W Slots and Purple Beam Light.
Previously, touch-screen users were unable to use local chat due to lack of keyboard. Now, you can click on yourself to reveal a chat button that will open the local chat input.
The time limits on buying lots/casinos have been overhauled to be applied evenly across all players. Instead of a time limit between each purchase, you are now limited to increasing your total number of lots/casinos by 5 each month. For example, if you were to sell 2 casinos, you could buy 7 others (net increase would then be 5 casinos for the month).
Limits on favorites have been increased from 50 to 100 and 100 to 250 for citizens.
There is now a 3rd time for the Turbo Trophy Fridays poker tournament that is at 12PM game time (first one will be scheduled after the next round of Friday tournaments).
The crew bank history now shows the time of last deposit overall and for the last week.
Floors that had thousands of items on them from party bombs would often cause significant performance degradation due to the limits of browser rendering. We've updated floors to now only render up to 3 items on a single floor tile at a time, which should significantly improve performance issues in those scenarios. The items are still there, they just won't become visible until others on that tile have been collected.
In rare instances, a casino could see its cheating costs shoot up significantly for a short period of time, which should now be resolved.
The winner of a slot sprint would sometimes not be shown, which would also prevent the re-invite option from showing.
Some crew's member lists couldn't be scrolled all the way through.
The notch on iPhone X, iPhone XS and iPhone XR running iOS 12 no longer covers up a portion of the game/toolbar.
Switching games with the "games" menu while in another game would cause you to get stuck in the first.
Depth sorting of some long items in the floor editor should now be fixed.
January 5, 2019
We've reached a point where there are so many casinos in the game world that the simulation server was crashing, causing various issues. We've overhauled how the simulation is run so that it can now scale to a nearly limitless number of casinos (we won't bore you with the technical aspects of how we managed this).
Submitted updates to both the iOS and Android apps that make several improvements and fixes (should be available in the next few days). The updates only support iOS 11+ and Android 5+ in order to provide a better app experience.
Overhauled the real estate fee structure to lower the fees in general and also make the difference based on location not as significant as it was before.
The item gifting limit per user has been changed to a daily limit rather than every 24 hours.
It was sometimes possible to end up with two buildings on the same lot.
The GoldFire toolbar on the mobile apps would sometimes get stuck in the middle of the screen.
Various keyboard issues on the mobile apps.
The auction house didn't adjust correctly to smaller screens.
Panning around a casino floor on a touch screen no longer accidentally triggers a casino game or other action.
A rare instance that could allow a crew with less than 3 members available to battle.
Various visual glitches and improvements.
December 20, 2018
HOLIDAY PROMO: The city is decked out for the holiday season and we have 6 exciting limited edition items available! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after January 4 by clicking on the snowflake icon at the top of the game screen.
HOLIDAY GIFTING 2018: Santa needs your help delivering toys to all of the casinos of GoldFire City! Join up with the rest of the community and wear your best Santa suit for more efficient toy delivery. Click on the Santa Hat icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition trophy item!

Added a new "actions" menu to the vault that includes a feature to sell all filtered items from your vault with a single click. This means that any item currently visible in your vault will be sold by clicking that button. So, you can sell 100% of your vault at once or pick and choose with the available filtering options.
There is a new reward for reaching the almighty level 100 other than a medal - the new Casino God Trophy item!
Added 16 new exclusive items for Party Bombs and Daily Spins (includes new poker tables, blackjack tables, golden roulette, golden solitaire and more).
If you are reading this then you are seeing the new updates display. This is now part of the GoldFire toolbar to be standardized and can be accessed at any time with the "updates" button by clicking the "i" on the toolbar (or by clicking on any TV in-game).
Updated the CasinoRPG Steam app to use the latest renderer for better performance and stability.
Various visual glitches and improvements to the mobile version of the game (app updates coming soon to fix several other issues).
Memory leak caused by dropping a large number of Party Bombs during a single play session.
Another visual glitch that could show a slightly incorrect sale value for vault items (the server was still giving the right amount).
A waypoint to an under-construction building would sometimes get stuck.
Upgrading to a 5-star casino would sometimes instantly show the notification that the upgrade was complete.
Various audio fixes on different browsers.
Rare error that could cause slots to get stuck.
November 30, 2018
NATIONAL COOKIE DAY: A delicious holiday is coming up on Tuesday, December 4. For 24 hours only, a very limited edition item will be available for purchase (or until they sell out). We'll release a batch of 75 of the item every 2 hours throughout the day so every timezone gets a chance. These are on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of 5 per person, per batch.

Moved the game and the site to new servers to provide better and more predictable speed/uptime as well as the ability to scale to more players.
You can now hire a contractor for your casino while carrying party bombs.
Holiday ATMs from Easter and St. Patrick's now have their own unique Party Bomb designs like with Halloween.
It was possible in certain instances to visually have a bingo and not be able to claim it.
Prevent rare issue that could cause a crew to be pulled into a battle after canceling a challenge.
Party chat could sometimes get stuck after a slot tournament (let us know if this continues to happen for you).
Bonus spins during battles/wars didn't always add up the score correctly.
Bonus spins at the end of a slot sprint could cause the incorrect winner to be displayed (the correct winner was awarded correctly).
A rounding issue could cause the client to show a slightly different re-sale value in the editor than the real re-sale value.
Prevent clicking through map and setting off a party bomb.
Some crews were able to start a battle without 3 members "available to battle."
Lot prices wouldn't always show correctly on the mobile apps.
Panning around a casino floor on mobile would sometimes trigger a casino game or other unintended action.
Various fixes and improvements to new player tutorial.
October 25, 2018
HALLOWEEN PROMO: The city is decked out for this spooky time of year, and we have 6 incredible limited edition Halloween items to celebrate! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after November 9 by clicking on the pumpkin icon at the top of the game screen.
TRICK-OR-TREAT 2018: When the ghosts and ghouls start roaming the streets, you know what that means! Click on the candy icon next to the promo icon to see the trick-or-treat progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide event. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a new limited edition Trick-or-Treat 2018 Trophy item!
HOTELS SURVEY: The long-awaited hotels feature is getting closer to becoming reality, but we want your input before we wrap up final planning! Click here to take just a few minutes to fill out a survey to get your ideas/feedback included.

Tired of waiting for others to join you for a round of bingo? That wait is now over as we've built bots into bingo that will play with you until other real players join to take their spots!
Items in your vault can now be directly gifted to your friends for a small postage fee! Simply go to their profile and click on the "Send Gift" option in the actions list (previously "transfer chips"). You can also still send chips through this same window.
Party Bombs can now be purchased in packs of 5 (with a wait time of 50 minutes).
Each player now has an "available for battle" toggle from their crew's battle window. Toggling this off will prevent you from being able to participate in any battles that occur while it is unchecked, but it also lowers your team's "active" count which is used to determine team size. So, if any of your crew members won't be available for a battle, you can still start a battle challenge without worrying about being at a disadvantage.
There is now the option to cancel a battle challenge for a full refund before a match has been made with another crew.
There are now descriptions for medals in both your profile window and on the list of medals accessed via the toolbar (some are still kept a secret until you unlock them).
Citizens can now click an address in a player's profile to be taken directly to that location (non-citizens will have the location added as a waypoint).
Added new medals for reaching level 125 and level 150.
All new and past Halloween limited edition ATM machines now give jack-o-lanterns as party bombs.
The default profile avatars on new accounts have been changed to use a new style that should avoid randomly generating certain unfavorable symbols. If you currently have an avatar that you'd like updated to the new style please submit a ticket.
The battle challenge for scratchers sometimes wasn't registering.
Broken items in the vault wouldn't show the correct sale value.
Items in the editor could sometimes appear below the floor and weren't able to be moved until reloading.
Various other bug fixes and tweaks.
October 8, 2018
PROMO ITEM VOTING: With Halloween right around the corner, we are looking for your help in selecting the best limited edition items. Click the icon to the right of your Casino Points to see the options and cast your vote.

The "battles" crew setting has been removed in favor of a simplified battle challenging system. If your crew wants to battle, you simply start a challenge and then the matching process will begin (matching you with another crew that has started a battle challenge and is pending a match). If your crew doesn't want to battle, then you don't have to do anything.
Due to the change to the battle system, selecting a bet amount no longer made sense. The buy-in for battles is now set at 50,000 chips per battle participant (paid from the crew bank). The payout still works the same as before.
The concept of battle protection has been removed since you can no longer get challenged without actively starting your own battle challenge.
Withdrawing from a battle has also been removed for the same reason.
There was often confusion with slot item unlocking, so we've updated how this is displayed in the bonus games to make it more clear.
Various server updates to improve network performance.
The "wall" filter in the vault now includes exclusive wall items.
The mission giver coin over the NPC's head would sometimes flicker when at the edge of the screen.
Going to a profile from global chat would sometimes prevent global chat from being scrollable after going back.
Outfits using the female white ninja outfit were broken.
The crew invites setting wouldn't always save correctly.
Various other bug fixes and errors.
September 7, 2018
Added 50 new wall sign items for casinos.
Lots of updates and streamlining to the new player tutorials.
Made the solitaire hint system more intelligent.
The phone and global chat buttons are now toggles (just a visual change).
The crew war participants list now colors the username to match the team color.
Moving a Crew Hall was broken in certain scenarios.
Various fixes to the mission system to resolve a number of different issues.
Scratchers weren't showing the awarded double XP on double XP day (it was awarding it correctly, just a visual issue).
In rare instances, some Party Bomb items wouldn't award the correct XP values to the one who dropped it.
Chat announcements that end with an emoji would sometimes break the delete button.
The editor button would sometimes vanish when going between floors.
Closed loophole that in certain cases allowed for crew war challenge scoring by bench players.
Prevent ineligible players from being selected in crew battles.
Prevent pigeon timer text from getting stuck on screen when a player goes in a building.
Citizenship subscriptions using PayPal would sometimes not automatically renew correctly.
Memory leak in private messages sometimes caused a browser crash.
Lots of bug fixes to the toolbar, especially surrounding private chat.
Various other error/bug fixes throughout the game.
July 27, 2018
SUMMER PROMO: We have 6 new limited edition summer-themed items available for your casinos! Get the details on how you can get yours before they are gone for good after August 11 by clicking on the beach ball icon at the top of the game screen.
HOT DOG EATING CONTEST: It wouldn't be summer without over-eating from the grill! Click on the hot dog icon next to the promo icon to see the progress and get details on how to participate in this community-wide hot dog eating contest. Participants that reach their goal and the community goal will receive a limited edition Hot Dog Eating Trophy item!

If you've played CasinoRPG on your phone, you know that the in-game phone has a "Games" app that lets you access any casino game more quickly. This feature has now been ported to all platforms! When selecting a game, you will be sent to a random casino and auto-walk to the machine/table (you can even do this from inside your condo or another casino).
For those that would like extra security on their account, there is now an option in the GoldFire settings (click your avatar on the toolbar) to enable Two-Factor Login. When enabled, logging in from a new browser/device will require a 6-digit code sent to your e-mail in order to finish logging in. This prevents someone from logging into your account even if they get your password.
A yellow shark display item has been added to the mix in the Auction House items.
A new super turbo poker tournament has been added called Super Sundays.
The kick list on a hosted poker table now gets cleared when the host leaves the table.
If you left-align the GoldFire toolbar, the notifications will now appear in the bottom left instead of bottom right.
If you aren't mutual friends with another player, they can no longer add you to a group chat.
Players that are away from a non-freeroll poker tournament for 10 minutes will now be removed (lowered from 15 minutes previously).
Various issues with missions that could cause them to not complete or get stuck.
Various fixes with new player tutorials.
Windows Store app updated to fix Casino Point purchase issues that several players had encountered.
Background music issues in Chrome and Safari.
Opening the global chat window correctly puts the focus in the input box.
A rounding issue caused large amounts of XP to appear incorrect.
Various client errors that were causing different random bugs that could cause freezing and other issues.
A few server errors that could cause issues when traveling around the map.
Clicking the back button after visiting a player profile from chat/forums works again.
Various other tweaks/issues with private chat and group chats.